Thursday, 17 November 2022

Annoying Autumn

Earlier in the week I learned that Matt Hancock went on a survival TV show called '  I'm a celebrity, get me out of here'. When I learned of this news I felt angry because I saw that he was still the active MP for 'West Suffolk'. Imagine someone in west Suffolk wanted to speak to their MP or contact them and they will say "he's not there, he's on a camp in Australia". He doesn't represent West Suffolk, he represents himself. I also felt angry because he cheated on his wife, it is like he is shameless. Why would you want to show your face on TV when you have cheated on you wife? Where is this man's shame? He let down his family. When I learned he cheated on his wife, the title of the news was 'He broke lockdown rules' because he wasn't socially distancing 😆 that's true. They wanted to emphasise the legal side. 

I often send messages to my local MP, I want to get around by bike but there is hardly any bike roads in my town and the roads are not policed enough so there are many cars speeding. It feels very dangerous to ride a bike where I live; I feel like the few cyclists in my town are very brave.  I never get a response from my MP; I put that down to him working in the cabinet so I don't hold it against him much but if I learned he was on a TV show having escapades in a jungle, I would be very disappointed. I would think to myself why did we  elect him if he isn't going to listen to us. In the Neverlands, every road has bike road next to it, I guess their elected politicians listen to their constituents. 

Blog Archive

What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...