Friday, 11 November 2022

Urine thoughts

I was peeing into the loo and realized that I have never actually seen my bladder. I don't really know what it looks like. All I know is it is hollow and has two tubes going into it from my two kidneys and one tube to empty it. It sends a signal to my brain when it is nearly full and I need to go to the toilet. I wonder what shape it is in reality. I have never seen any of my internal organs. I only have a rough idea what they look like. I wonder if there are birth marks and things like that on organs

Knowing I need to take a pee is like a sense but it's not the sense of touch. We are told we have 5 senses but this can't be true. I can sense when I'm dehydrated and need to drink water,  I can sense what way is up and down, I can sense when I need to use the toilet. I can sense all sorts of things. I can even sense someone is standing behind me. 

Blog Archive

One Third of January

One third of January passed by already, it seemed like yesterday that we were setting up the Christmas  tree at the start of December. The i...