Wednesday, 30 November 2022

Funeral Brat

Yesterday I saw a video of a young lady mocking her Dad's dead body at his funeral. I thought to myself that it is very disgusting to do that. If you hate your father that much then why did you go to his funeral? I sensed that her insults were lies. She called her father a racist, xenophobe and white supremacist because he was a Donald Trump supporter. I added a link to the video at the bottom of this blog post so you can make your own judgement. I like the end of the video when one or two people tried to clap but they stopped because it was awkward. 

Her Dad's wife was a different race to him and so was she but he stuck around, a racist wouldn't do that. He gave her life and took care of her through her whole life, should that not merit some respect?  I support Donald Trump because he is against abortions and Hillary Clinton wanted to increase the birth control abortion window to the 3rd Trimester of pregnancy, days and weeks before the baby is due to be born; imagine if some stupid brainwashed kid was reading my blog now, they would think I'm a racist. You know what is xenophobic? Going to a country that is hosting the world cup, where being openly gay and promoting gay rights is illegal and disrespecting their laws and customs, that is xenophobic. I feel like young people are all brainwashed and they don't think for themselves. They're like mindless zombies. 

I think that anyone that mocks their dead parents at their funeral should be condemned by the community they live in. It is a big disgrace. The irony is that she is a racist because I saw another video of her saying she will never make friends with white people. That is racist. If you have something against your parents and you're at their funeral, keep it to yourself. Show some respect. Concentrate on the positive things. 

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One Third of January

One third of January passed by already, it seemed like yesterday that we were setting up the Christmas  tree at the start of December. The i...