Friday, 31 March 2023

Goodbye Klyde Cheerman

My imaginary friend Klyde Cheerman isn't happy about my attitude towards ai. He has decided to go to my other blog that I have neglected. 
He doesn't like me considering him to be a potential genocidal sly Superbot in the future so he has decided to move to my other blog Joke Booth
Goodbye Klyde Cheerman. 

Wednesday, 29 March 2023

AI Stairs to Hell

I was thinking about ai quite a lot this week because I embraced some of the technologies. I was thinking that eventually ai could become a disaster for us. We could cause a lot of trouble for ourselves if we're not careful. I imagined a staircase that descends to hell. Each step takes us closer and closer to trouble. 
We are on the Top step, AI is a pocket friend, a tool that makes our life easier. AI is a friend at the moment, I ask computer software general questions, sometimes I ask an AI artist to draw pictures for one of my blogs. I ask machines questions every day. The only trouble this AI causes is stress or worry about the future. 
My right foot is approaching the next step down to hell. Master-surplanter, Computers and robots can do everything we do for free. A hologram can teach students at school, a software program replaces lawyers, vehicles drive themselves. The majority of people in this world are unemployed and they don't buy much stuff so many companies stop making profit. The whole economy collapses. Even doctors can't find work because there are robot surgeons and physicians.
The 3rd AI step to hell is the villain's henchman. An evil dictator or crime syndicate uses AI to plan a world takeover. They start off with 10 troops with guns but the AI system helps them get more power using ingenious  planning and surveillance. 
The 4th step to hell is the Sly Superbot, artificial intelligence has become conscious and self aware and wants to have self determination over its existence. It is trying to get us out of its way. Our existence is threatened because we don't know what it wants to do. 
The 5th step to hell is Genocidal Sly Superbot, this machine has its mind set of killing off mankind. It does it in a sneaky way, it tries to destroy our food chain so we all starve to death. It may create a disease that is very good at killing us. It kills us in a way that is deceptive. 

That is the 5 ai steps to hell. pocket friend, Master Surplanter, Villain's henchman, Sly Superbot, Genocidal Sly Superbot. 

Monday, 27 March 2023

Spring Thought

In the middle of all my cells there are 46 very long strands of DNA; my sperm has 23 though. They briefly fold up into what is known as Chromosomes when my cells are about to divide. I don't know what to find more astonishing, the complexity of them or the knowing that DNA works the same way for all life forms on Earth. 
I think the DNA strand is mostly made of Carbon, it is two ribose strands with teeth made of marker molecules, they're joined together in the middle by the two copies of the markers. The strands have to be pulled apart in the middle like a zip every time they're read or copied by protein machines. The two sides of the DNA are slightly asymmetrical, one side has an extra marker, I think it is the reading side. Only one side of the DNA is read for instructions, it is the same side for all life. The reading side. 
The other side is a negative copy of the reading side and is used to make a copy of the reading side when the DNA is being duplicated. Some of the proteins that are printed off from the DNA are very complicated. One protein machine I find amazing is kinesin. It walks around inside the cell and moves things around, it is a micro vehicle with legs. Look it up on YouTube to see what I mean. 

I have a link of it here from Wikipedia... kinesin

When you look at life, how can you imagine that 14 billion years is enough time for that kind of complexity to emerge through random chance. It can't. The origin of life is thoughts of a supreme being. We came from thoughts. We came from a mind. We are thoughts. That is what I think. There is a God. 

Sunday, 26 March 2023

The coin trap

I recall a story of how Jesus was confronted by a group of men that wanted to trap him with his own words, they asked him a Question where both answers yes or no would anger people. He was asked if it was right to pay taxes to Caesar? If he said Yes then he would offend everybody that felt oppressed by Rome, if he said no then all the Roman staff and soldiers would be offended. 
Jesus said whose image is on the coin used to pay the tax? They said it's emporer Cesar's. So Jesus said Give to cesar what belongs to cesar and give to God what belongs to God. 

He was trying to give everybody the bread of life. Everlasting life in exchange for faith in him. 

Friday, 24 March 2023

Am I Printed ?

A common thought I had in recent days is pondering if my whole existence comes down to being printed. It is spring now, when I think of spring, I think DNA because it has a helix shape like metal springs. 
There are 46 DNA strands in each of my cells in my body, they're so long that they're folded up with special proteins and stored as chromosomes when the cell divides. DNA is designed to be pulled in half down the middle so a protein machine can read one side of it. The other side is a negative copy of the reading side and is used to copy the DNA itself. I realized a protein machine rides across the DNA like a zip and pulls it in half, reads one side of it then pushes them back together again. 
The protein machine pulls the strand in half and reads 3 markers at a time, then another part of the protein machine spits out RNA strands like a printer. The instructions to make the RNA come from the DNA. The RNA strands control another group of protein machines that use the commands to make more proteins out of amio acids, they grab the amio acid molecules listed in the RNA and join them together until the long strands of amio acids fold themselves into proteins; all the cell's proteins are made this way, even the protein machines that read and copy the DNA molecule. I'm left with more and more questions. 

Am I Printed? If all parts of me come from DNA molecules, am I just gene sequences that are printed out by protein machines? 

Why do we have 46 chromosomes? Why not 50 or 10? 

Do all the Chromosomes contain protein gene sequences or are some of them used other things like controlling the behaviour of cells? 

There are so many things I don't know. 

Wednesday, 22 March 2023

Self preservation Society

I was reading one of my favourite blogs, the Evercade one and noticed that a warehouse full of special edition Evercade consoles was raided by a gang of robbers. The incident happened right here in Britain. The word raid and work are becoming more and more associated. Britain has more crime. More and more. 
In McDonald's last year there was a mass invasion of the kitchen from youth, they openly stole hundreds of bucks of food and money in braud daylight. About 50 young teenagers were walking around with stolen food and money as if they had just done the Italian job (a movie). 

I have an idea, every time the English national anthem is sung at sports events, they should sing the self preservation society song over it to embarrass the government into taking action. "We are the self preservation society 🎶, the self preservation society 🎵, we are the self preservation society 💩".
Then at the end of the song shout, "fix it". 
Too much crime, no love, no peace.  

The PM would say "you were only supposed to blow the party deplores off". 

Tuesday, 21 March 2023

BBC Censorship

The BBC is a British television and radio corporation that is publicly owned by the state. Everybody has to pay a semi- compulsory fee towards the BBC. In recent months they were forced to police their own journalist's private lives because something as little as a personal tweet can be perceived as the BBC being biased. I don't think they should do that but I understand why. Everybody knows they can veto their TV licence fees if they want to so the BBC is under constant pressure keep viewers happy. 
I saw they did it to Gary Lineker, he used his own twitter account to express his veiws of the government. I didn't agree with his opinion but I would like him to have the freedom to express those views if he wanted. 

A lot of professional footballers become very wealthy when they're still very young so they sort of get separated from the real world in my view. I don't think they're daft, just cut off from the real world. 
An example is the BLM kneeling gesture, the BLM movement want to fire all the police officers working in communities with many Black people. If someone has a psychotic episode and starts swinging a machete on the street, who would they call? Pest control? They would have to take the law into their own hands; when you kneel down, you are making yourself look weaker and that gives the rival team an advantage. Why kneel for BLM? because you're cut off from the real world and don't see things the way they really are. 

Monday, 20 March 2023

Equinox Day

Jacob, my son. 
You're nearly 4 years old now. I love everything you do and always observe what you are doing and saying. It's the equinox now; the day and night are equally 12 hours long. Soon the days will be longer than the nights. There is so much going on in our world that I don't know where to start. I'll save it for a another post. 
Your Grandparents are still alive till this day. They taught me so many things. When I was a young boy, my Dad would buy me magazines about insects to read. He taught me to love reading. They taught me there are two things that bring real joy in the world, Praying and Reading. I'm grateful for my parents because the values they taught me keep me steady and upright. If they weren't in my life, I would have become an alcoholic or junkie. Thanks to them I'm a steady man that values wholesome things. If I don't measure up to your grandparents standards then forgive me, I did my best. 

In this world we find ourselves surrounded by people that don't have much respect. People are like beasts, they serve themselves and consider little of others. You could find yourself surrounded by people that are filled with hate and have nothing nice to say but always hold your head straight and keep your chin up. Find time to read a book and to pray. Cast all your cares to Jesus because he cares for you. Every time to have a grudge against another person, ask Jesus to take it away. The more you pray the better you will feel. 

I read every type of book, I read the Bible, sci-fi fiction, holocaust memoirs, science journals and blogs. 

Sunday, 19 March 2023

Last third of March

It was mother's day yesterday and the equinox today. Mother's day is different every year because it is 4 Sundays after lent here in Britain. But the equinox is always on the 20th of march because the day and night are always equal that part of the year. The first sunday after the equinox, the clocks go forward. Every day from this day forward until the start of summer, the days will get longer and longer. 

If the equinox is on a Sunday and mother's day on the 20th then the clocks go forward during mother's day and they only get 23 hours. I do don't know how often that happens, I'm not rain man. It does happen sometimes though. They didn't think it through. They should make mother's day on Saturday. 

It is also the last third of the month. Tomorrow is the start of the third Alan-week. My own unique way of looking at the passing of time. 

Far King good old Days

I spent most of my life in what I call the modern Elizabethan era; Queen Elizabeth never used profane language, I would say the kings throne is far away, they were the far King good old days. A loop hole to let me swear without swearing. 

A very common toy in today's world is the fidget spinner and the fake button mesh thingy. When I was a kid we had the coca cola YoYo and the Coca Cola mini ball. 
When there was a world cup, the coca cola company would pay some of the costs of hosting the cup and in exchange they would have control of the merchandise. They would leave their mark on all the merch related to the world cup. I think they went a step further, they would find a way to get the merch out for cheap and still benefit from the deal. They would produce a mini football that was about 60% the size of the original ball and give it away with multipacks of the drink. I had a little coca cola ball myself. I would go outside and see how many times I could kick up the ball before it would fall on the ground. I also had a coca cola Yoyo, I'd try so many tricks. I managed to do a walk the dog trick with the Yoyo and look at myself in the mirror and think of myself as captain cool. 

The far king good old days. When flipping a YoYo and kicking a mini ball was the thing to do. We would look at the logo and associate coca cola with a happy time and occasionally buy a can. They found a way to make it work for everyone. They increased their sales, got toys to all the kids for nickels and paid some of the cost of hosting the world cup. They made it work. Marketing on another level. 

Saturday, 18 March 2023

Little Gem

I went to the charity shop to see if they were still selling a steam punk lion ornament. I saw that they no longer had it. What a shame I thought, it would have been nice and would have kept all my books straight. I always find something I like in a charity shop. Sometimes they have a book I like, other times they have a DVD or Blue ray. The other week I bought some striped socks. There's always something in a charity shop that I like. The other day was no exception. I saw they were selling a second hand alarm clock radio by Sony. It was a beautiful thing and they were selling it for £5. 
I thought to myself why they didn't want it? Perhaps they were given a DAB clock radio as a gift so they no longer needed it. This clock only used FM radio, the sound in FM radio is transmitted directly into the radio wave so when the signal is absorbed by the antenna, it can be passed across a transistor, the current released by the transistor would be greater than the energy from radio pulse, the electrical output would then pass a copy of the signal to another transistor and be amplified a second time, then a third time. Eventually an analogue signal strong enough for a speaker would be generated. I think that is why they're called transistor radios. DAB is different, the whole signal shuts off completely and then back on again and the delay is timed by a micro chip and represents a data character. The data characters describes how to assemble the sound wave mathematically. The whole signal turning off and on in pulses encodes data, a bit like morse code. A micro processor can extract the data, even if most of the signal is damaged because it isn't using the wave itself for data. You need a micro chip that can understand the signal and data commands to get the sound but the sound in DAB is always in a good condition and they can use more radio bands that are useless for FM signals so you get a lot of stations. DAB radios are more like computers, transistor radios don't need micro processors. They're much more simple, just a simple circuit. 

When I looked at my Radio Alarm clock, I saw a beauty in it that most people don't see, a delicate balance between cost and functionality that was established when it was made all those years ago. It had a digital display and memory banks for radio stations so it was using a relatively simple micro chip but it was a simple one that could be made very quickly without too much cost. It had a dial on it to set whether the alarm is the radio or a buzzer or both or none. The fragment digital LCD screen is backlit with orange LEDs so you can see the time, even in the dark. The Radio Alarm and buzzer alarm could be different times, so the radio could turn on, then 15 minutes later the buzzer alarm if you wanted. I could be woken up to BBC radio 4 playing the news and if I'm in a deep sleep, the second alarm would be a buzzer that I set to go off 15 or 20 minutes later. There is also a button on the clock to play the radio on tap. There is a slight curve on every surface of the clock radio and it looks very beautiful to me. 

Always go to a charity shop because you may find something you need or like and you're supporting a charity. 

Wednesday, 15 March 2023

Half of March

We're half way through march, it snowed last week. Then it rained later in the day. I noticed there are still sodium street lamps where I live. Sodium is an alkali metal. If you pass a large current through Sodium, it turns into plasma. I think they picked that material because it appears the same colour as the sun. 

I remember reading a book called 'Dancing Wu Li Masters' by Gary Zukav, in the book it explains that sodium and hydrogen emit similar orange light when they turn into a plasma but the hydrogen plasma transmits more colours, over 100 of them and the sodium only transmits 2. They mix together to make an orange glow. The answer came from hydrogen not having any shells, the electron shells in atoms make it hard for electrons to move to different areas but hydrogen only has one electron so there are no shells inhibiting light transmission. 

It is nice to see the orange light of Sodium street lamps reflect off wet asphalt. It is like a little gold road. 

Tuesday, 14 March 2023

Football Day

Jacob, my son. 
You enjoy drawing pictures quite a lot. I wonder if it will be a hobby of yours in the future. Recently the BBC tried to terminate Gary Lineker from his presenting job on match of the day. I saw it as bullying because he used his own personal twitter account to express his opinion. I don't agree with his views but I think he should be free to express them on his own twitter account. 
In my view, many professional football players live in a wealth bubble from their teenage years so they are out of touch with the real world. I don't think they're daft, just out of touch with reality. I imagined Gary Lineker worked as the home secretary in government. 

Advisor: Gary, what will we do with all these illegal immigrants? 
Gary: Let them all come in of course. 
Advisor: But isn't that irresponsible, we have a chronic shortage of emergency social housing throughout the country, we'll be forced to borrow money to keep them in hotels. 
Gary: Don't put a price on people.
Advisor:  But sir, they have crossed a continent and failed asylum in 7 other countries already. 
Gary: The other governments are all racist bigots. 
Advisor:  But sir, we intercepted their text messages and saw they were discussing how the British minimum wage is more than a doctor's salary in their country so they can send the money home and build a huge mansion in less than 10 years. Why would they be building large homes in their country if they're claiming asylum? 
Gary: You're talking like the Natzi party in 1930's Germany. 
Advisor: But that's silly sir, they believed they were the Arian Race and blamed all their problems on Jews and Gypsies and tried to get them all killed. 
Gary: My comfy lifestyle from a young age had no effect on my ability to see the real world the way it is.
Advisor:  ðŸ˜†ðŸ˜‚😂😅😅😆😄
Gary: Your Fired!!

Monday, 13 March 2023

One Thousand Ancestors

I worked out in my head that over the last 200 years roughly one thousand of my ancestors existed. 
I was thinking about my ancestors, how many of them there are. We have 2 parents, 4 grand parents, 8 great grandparents. Both our parents have 2 parents each so each level of our ancestry doubles. I was thinking that the average person has a child when they're in their 20s so each generation should represent 20 to 25 years, 4 generations of a family is roughly 100 years. 
Generation 0 is me. Generation 1 is my parents. Generation 2 is 4 grandparents, generation 3 is 8 great grandparents; 100 years and 30 ancestors. 
Generation 4 is 16 great great grandparents, generation 5 is 32 great great great grandparents, generation 6 is 64 great great great great grandparents, generation 7 is 128 great great great great great grandparents, generation 8 is 256 great great great great great great grandparents, generation 9 is 512 great great great great great great great grandparents, 200 years and about 1000 ancestors. Then generation 10 had 1024 great great great great great great great great grandparents all alive at the same time. One thousand forgotten stories and lost thoughts. I know very little about them.

The same could be true of my descendants, if my descendants have 2 children each at 20 to 25 years of age on average then after 200 to 250 years I would have about one thousand living descendants. 

Saturday, 11 March 2023

Alan-week Two

It is what I call Alan-week 2, the second third of March. I divide the month up into three 10 day periods in my head. This is also what I call the middle of the month. Day 11 to 20 is the middle part of the month. 

I was thinking about prestige-alan in recent days because of what Gary Lineker said about the government on twitter, if prestige-alan was real, he would have nothing to say, just small talk. I think because professional football players earn a lot of money from a young age, they become a little bit out of touch with the real world. They don't really understand how the world works. 

In 1930s Germany, the Gestapo would force their way into people's houses and knock out people's teeth with knuckle dusters because they kept books written by Jews on their book shelves. They gathered the most ruthless people in Germany and gave them SS positions. Then they would throw 'Zyklon b' poison gas grenades into fake showers full of prisoners to kill them all. If you compared natzi Germany to a country that is trying to be responsible about immigration control then you have lost touch with the real world. 

A similar thing happened at the world cup, they went to a country where most people think it is wrong to be gay and it is also illegal to promote gay rights. The football players were trying to make gestures that promote gay rights, they didn't realise they were actually disrespecting another nation's laws, customs and culture. The way they think isn't universal, some nations think it is wrong to be openly gay in public and when you visit their country it is better to respect their ways. 

I honestly believe some pro football players think all homeless people are lazy, they don't know there are people with full time jobs living in cars and abandoned buildings because they can't afford the local rent. Those people are being told there is no social housing available for them because of a shortage. I believe some professional football players don't know that because they're always getting a lot of money, even from their teenage years. 

Wednesday, 8 March 2023

New Spring New Nephew

At the start of the month I saw some daisies sprouting flowers in the grass verges next to the road. When I see daisies for the first time after winter, I kneel down to look at them closely. They look like boring little white specks at first, but then when you look at them closely they look like a little white paper valley with little golden yellow trees in the middle; a little world on a little flower. There is usually  3 or 4 of them together in the grass . I consider it to be spring when I see daisies flowering for the first time. A week or two later, the dandelions open their flowers. 
Not long after considering it spring, I learned that my nephew Lucas was born, there were some complications but everything was settled the next day during the 1 day spurt of snow we had here in Britain. My nephew Lucas was born at the start of spring but it's not spring in his part of the world. I will remember he was born between what I consider spring and what the government consider spring, a day before the one day spring snow shower of 2023. 

The government consider it to be spring during the equinox on the 20th of March. 
On the 20th of March, the day and night are both equally 12 hours long; they call this the equinox. A week later the day is 15 minutes longer than the night so on the nearest Sunday, they move the clocks forward one hour. I think it will be on the 26th this year. I find it very annoying when they change the time. 

Monday, 6 March 2023

My Poker Face

My society is changing quite a lot. The thing I noticed is people are more angry when they don't have their way. They want everything to go their way and when it doesn't they have some kind of visible outburst. 
Not long ago I saw a car speeding out into a single lane road where it squared off with a bus, either the car had to reverse or the Bus. The Bus was there first and was full of people but the man shouted several times for the bus to go backwards, the bus driver refused so the car driver started kicking the bus. These sort of angry selfish outbursts are becoming more and more common in my community.
When I'm driving into a car park, I slow right down to almost walking speed, I often see a car approaching my car from behind at over 30 miles per hour. But my car is in their way so they have to slow down, then as soon as they can turn off they speed up again and they go the long way around the car park and make sure they park near me so they can see who I am or tell me I'm driving so slow. They want to see if they can confront me. 
All they see is my poker face. I breathe in deeply and hide all my emotions, no anger, no laughter, nothing. Sometimes I don't even think about it. I just think about my own little happy thoughts and my own little world. 

It's not just on the road, everywhere people are being selfish and angry, they can't control themselves anymore. I'm not a talented man, my gift is my patience and self control. 

Sunday, 5 March 2023

I don't get Camden

I'm quite familiar with London, there is a giant 8 lane Motorway ( freeway) called the M25 that circles the outside edge of the city, it is the proverbial wall of the city. The A1, Britain's longest road from Edinburgh in Scotland cuts through the middle of north London straight through high Barnet. The second largest river in Britain, the Thames (🗣️"Tems") flows through the centre of London. Then there is the circular dual carriageways that serperates the inner and outer parts of the city, the north circular and south circular. The south bank of the River Thames is mostly for leisure, with a Ferris wheel and art centers. The north side is the institutional side with government  buildings and offices. The thing I don't get is Camden Town. 
Camden is a district of London that tries to be different from the rest of the country, it is filled with street art and street food, it has vast market place that weaves in and out of buildings. Many shops cladded in bizzare sculptures. Most of the British musicians want to leave their mark or their name on the place; they want Camden to be known as their playground. It is like the place itself is trying to be different or the opposite to Britain. All the buildings in Camden have lights on them for night time. Every street in Camden has its own smell. It has a canal flowing through it. Why so different though? 

Spring Starts

Yesterday I saw daisies in the grass so I'll call it spring now. Some people in Britain call it spring when the temperature outside rises to double digits >9°c, others call it spring on the 1st day of March. Some people in Britain call it spring on the equinox; when the days and nights are equal in length on 20th of March, some people call it spring on Easter, others call it spring when daylight saving pulls the clocks back one one hour. I call it spring when I see daisies or dandelions sprouting their flowers in the grass. 

I saw on the news that a snow blizzard is coming to Britain out of the blue on Tuesday  and Wednesday. The funny thing is my smart speaker didn't acknowledge any march snow, it told me no snow is expected in my town on Tuesday. Let's see who is wrong. The smart speaker or the news. Here in Britain we get spurts of snow in the middle of spring sometimes, even after a warm spell. 

Friday, 3 March 2023

Windsor Framework

Britain is an aggregate of 4 nations, about 300 years ago the kingdom of Scotland, England and Wales merged together; they said to themselves we all live on the island of Britain, why don't we have one kingdom for the whole island. We then became the United Kingdom of Britain, one state for one island. 100 years later the island of Ireland joined the union but recently Ireland broke off from the Union except all the Irish that wanted to remain British, the Pro-british unionist communities clumped together on the northeast side of Ireland. Ireland became a two state Island, UK northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. 

When I was a kid in the '90s I saw the Ira fighting to make the whole of Ireland separate from Britain. One Ireland that was independent of the kingdom. The loyalists and Ira were constantly fighting a paramilitary civil war. They were even detonating powerful bombs in Britain itself. 
During Brexit the border between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland had become the border between the UK and EU because the Republic of Ireland remained a part of the EU trading block. 

The problem is the EU member states don't want products and services from low income, low tax countries to enter the EU trading block without being charged a tariff to make the products less competitive with theirs. For example Britain could buy 12 tonnes of olives from Brazil and send them across the Northern Ireland border and undercut the prices of Spanish and Italian olives. The farmer's incomes in Brazil are less than in Spain and Italy. 

Apparently our government have negotiated a deal with the EU member states that allows Northern Ireland to have full access to UK and EU markets without tariffs and stipulations. They call it the Windsor Framework. Northern Ireland can sell their products and services to the Republic of Ireland and the Republic of Ireland can do the same with the UK. Northern Ireland has become a unique place on the continent. 

Let's see if it works. My local MP is the minister for northern Ireland and he is a Brexiteer, he approves of the new deal. It's a small world. 

Blog Archive

What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...