Tuesday, 21 March 2023

BBC Censorship

The BBC is a British television and radio corporation that is publicly owned by the state. Everybody has to pay a semi- compulsory fee towards the BBC. In recent months they were forced to police their own journalist's private lives because something as little as a personal tweet can be perceived as the BBC being biased. I don't think they should do that but I understand why. Everybody knows they can veto their TV licence fees if they want to so the BBC is under constant pressure keep viewers happy. 
I saw they did it to Gary Lineker, he used his own twitter account to express his veiws of the government. I didn't agree with his opinion but I would like him to have the freedom to express those views if he wanted. 

A lot of professional footballers become very wealthy when they're still very young so they sort of get separated from the real world in my view. I don't think they're daft, just cut off from the real world. 
An example is the BLM kneeling gesture, the BLM movement want to fire all the police officers working in communities with many Black people. If someone has a psychotic episode and starts swinging a machete on the street, who would they call? Pest control? They would have to take the law into their own hands; when you kneel down, you are making yourself look weaker and that gives the rival team an advantage. Why kneel for BLM? because you're cut off from the real world and don't see things the way they really are. 

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What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...