Wednesday, 22 March 2023

Self preservation Society

I was reading one of my favourite blogs, the Evercade one and noticed that a warehouse full of special edition Evercade consoles was raided by a gang of robbers. The incident happened right here in Britain. The word raid and work are becoming more and more associated. Britain has more crime. More and more. 
In McDonald's last year there was a mass invasion of the kitchen from youth, they openly stole hundreds of bucks of food and money in braud daylight. About 50 young teenagers were walking around with stolen food and money as if they had just done the Italian job (a movie). 

I have an idea, every time the English national anthem is sung at sports events, they should sing the self preservation society song over it to embarrass the government into taking action. "We are the self preservation society 🎶, the self preservation society 🎵, we are the self preservation society 💩".
Then at the end of the song shout, "fix it". 
Too much crime, no love, no peace.  

The PM would say "you were only supposed to blow the party deplores off". 

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What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...