Monday, 27 March 2023

Spring Thought

In the middle of all my cells there are 46 very long strands of DNA; my sperm has 23 though. They briefly fold up into what is known as Chromosomes when my cells are about to divide. I don't know what to find more astonishing, the complexity of them or the knowing that DNA works the same way for all life forms on Earth. 
I think the DNA strand is mostly made of Carbon, it is two ribose strands with teeth made of marker molecules, they're joined together in the middle by the two copies of the markers. The strands have to be pulled apart in the middle like a zip every time they're read or copied by protein machines. The two sides of the DNA are slightly asymmetrical, one side has an extra marker, I think it is the reading side. Only one side of the DNA is read for instructions, it is the same side for all life. The reading side. 
The other side is a negative copy of the reading side and is used to make a copy of the reading side when the DNA is being duplicated. Some of the proteins that are printed off from the DNA are very complicated. One protein machine I find amazing is kinesin. It walks around inside the cell and moves things around, it is a micro vehicle with legs. Look it up on YouTube to see what I mean. 

I have a link of it here from Wikipedia... kinesin

When you look at life, how can you imagine that 14 billion years is enough time for that kind of complexity to emerge through random chance. It can't. The origin of life is thoughts of a supreme being. We came from thoughts. We came from a mind. We are thoughts. That is what I think. There is a God. 

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