Monday, 20 March 2023

Equinox Day

Jacob, my son. 
You're nearly 4 years old now. I love everything you do and always observe what you are doing and saying. It's the equinox now; the day and night are equally 12 hours long. Soon the days will be longer than the nights. There is so much going on in our world that I don't know where to start. I'll save it for a another post. 
Your Grandparents are still alive till this day. They taught me so many things. When I was a young boy, my Dad would buy me magazines about insects to read. He taught me to love reading. They taught me there are two things that bring real joy in the world, Praying and Reading. I'm grateful for my parents because the values they taught me keep me steady and upright. If they weren't in my life, I would have become an alcoholic or junkie. Thanks to them I'm a steady man that values wholesome things. If I don't measure up to your grandparents standards then forgive me, I did my best. 

In this world we find ourselves surrounded by people that don't have much respect. People are like beasts, they serve themselves and consider little of others. You could find yourself surrounded by people that are filled with hate and have nothing nice to say but always hold your head straight and keep your chin up. Find time to read a book and to pray. Cast all your cares to Jesus because he cares for you. Every time to have a grudge against another person, ask Jesus to take it away. The more you pray the better you will feel. 

I read every type of book, I read the Bible, sci-fi fiction, holocaust memoirs, science journals and blogs. 

Blog Archive

What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...