Sunday, 2 April 2023

Alan Clock

I thought I would have a go at designing a clock face. I drew it by hand using small plates and cups to get the circles perfect. If I designed it on computer it would look a lot better. 
The outside edge of the clock face shows the increments of minutes. When I look at a hand clock, I look at what hour the minute hand is pointing at and multiply it by 10 then divide it by 2. For example 5 X 10 = 50,÷ 2 = 25; so when the minute hand points at the 5th hour I automatically know it is 25 minutes past because I move the decimal place over in my head so 5 becomes 50. 
6 becomes ,60, 60 ÷2 is 30 minutes. 

The Green part of my clock divides the hour into thirds. One third of an hour is 20 minutes (minute hand at 4) Two thirds of an hour is 40 minutes (minute hand at 8)Then 60 minutes is the whole hour.  Thirds of an hour are relevant to me because I divide time up into thirds. I even try to divide the month up into 10 day blocks in my head, but it doesn't work out quite right because some months have 31 days and February has 28 or 29 on a leap year. The 31st of every long month is treated as an extra day. So the 3rd Alan-week sometimes has 11 days on February it is 8 days. Close enough 😊 Don't worry though, it's just an Alan thing. 

The outside edge of the blue part of the clock shows 24 hour time, 13 at 1pm 14 at 2pm and so on. The blue part of the clock is also divided up into quarters so after 15 minutes, one quarter of an hour has passed (minute hand at 3) and half an hour at 6 and so on.  Then quarter to the next hour (minute hand at 9). 

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What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...