Saturday, 1 April 2023

What March 2023 Means To Me

Throughout this march, everything about spring occured close together. All the spring flowers emerged, Daffodils, Daisies, Dandelions, Buttcups, Tree Blossom. Then we had a few warm snaps where the temperature rose above 2 digits during the day. Finally we had the spring equinox where the day and night are both equal in length followed by the clocks going forward. I often thought about DNA because it is shaped like a spring. I thought to myself there are 46 long strands of DNA in our cell's nucleus. When they're not folded up into chromosomes, molecular protein machines interact with them and carryout instructions encoded. I thought to myself that twice the age of the whole universe isn't long enough for cellular life to emerge by chance because all the many protein machines inside the cell would need to form at the same time and in the same place and then their code would need to appear on the DNA. If any of them were absent, the cell would perish  The universe is 13.7 billion years old but I think 27.4 billion years isn't long enough for random reactions to create the living cell. The Earth has only been around for a fraction of the life of the universe. How could life appear from nothing in the space of a few hundred million years without thought and purpose? 
I think life emerged from the thoughts of a supreme being that is older than the universe. We came from the thoughts of God. Even the picture on this blog post came from thousands of thoughts, I thought to myself that I'm better at drawing with pencil than with pen but I like the effect of ink so I was arguing with myself, I chose ink because I want to develop my pen sketch skills. Then I thought about where my self portrait would appear in the page and many things like that. The picture is more simple than the machinery of life but it needs thought to exist, you see what I mean?
With so many thoughts, the greatest one was knowing my Nephew Lucas was ok, he was born during Spring. The newest infant in my extended family. 

Unfortunately I learned later in the month that there was another mass shooting in the USA, this time 3 young children were killed. I thought the shooter is a coward, if you want to kill yourself then leave everyone else alone! Get help if you feel like that! I don't want to think about the sad things, only the happy things. 

Blog Archive

What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...