Sunday, 30 April 2023

Brandon Robertson

A preacher called Brandon Robertson claims Jesus was racist because there was a scripture where he called a non Jewish woman a dog, in the original text it says puppy. 
In the ancient times, there were many phrases like "don't give to puppies what was intended for the children" and things like that. It wasn't racist to say that to another person in those days because they knew you weren't calling them a dog but trying to emphasise that you have priorities. When Jesus said that to the gentile woman he was trying to explain that he has a mission with the Jews first. 
I think that Brandon Robertson should stop calling the Jesus Racist, it is wrong. 

We have idiomatic phrases here in the UK also like 'don't throw the baby out with the bath water'.  This phase has nothing to do with bath water or babies, it is just a phrase. It means don't reject everything from a failure only the useless things. There are still some good things that can be salvaged from a bad thing. If someone from 2 thousand years in the future was reading our literature, they would think we're all child abusers, that we need to be reminded not to throw babies out with dirty water. Another example is "Bear in mind". It doesn't mean to keep a  bear in your brain, it means to be considerate. You see why there is a problem here. 

If Jesus was racist he wouldn't ask his disciples to go out to all nations and tell them the good news after his resurrection.

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