Thursday, 6 April 2023

Easter Thoughts

It's good Friday tomorrow. Good Friday is a commemoration of the death of Jesus, he laid down his own life to make a way for people to have everlasting life. In this world, most people can't even lay down a simple greeting but Jesus lay down his life so he could stand in our place. He was resurrected on a Sunday. 
I had those thoughts in my head mixed together with other thoughts. I was thinking about the easiest way to work out percentages. If they take 15% away from the price, I think to myself that 100 -15 is 85. If they move the decimal place to the front of the result you get 0.85. You can then use that number as a constant on your calculater. 15% off £2 = 2 × 0.85 = £1.70. If I want to add the percent I just move the decimal place forward two places and add 1. 
£2 + 15% = 2 × 1.15 = £2.30. That is the easiest way to work out percentages in my view. That is how I use my calculator most often. 

Another thought I had was to go on Google Maps and poke the train stations with my finger to see a list of the all the destinations of the trains. I wanted to see if any of the nearby train stations have trains that are heading somewhere interesting. On Google maps, when you click on train stations and bus stations, you get a real-time transport table showing when the vehicle is coming and where they're going to. I also used Google maps to see if there was a short cut, a short way to get about. None of the train stations where I live take you directly to the coast as far as I know. You would need to make more than one stops at hub stations to do that. 

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What February 2025 Means To Me

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