Wednesday, 31 May 2023

Uganda anti gay laws

I recently learned that the Uganda parliament has made being openly gay a crime. You can spend time in prison for promoting gay rights and being gay in public.

You can see the video here... Uganda anti gay laws

They're calling them the Uganda anti gay laws. They expect the gay community to keep their sexuality to themselves and keep quiet about it. 

I don't know why the news in this country is complaining about it. They're a democracy and they have passed some laws that reflect their veiws. They think it is a crime to be gay, let them think that way. It's their country. I will take note of all politicians that try to impose sanctions on Uganda and try to vote them out. We have no business interfering in other countries business.  I don't know if they're wrong or right to make the law. I have no view myself; I don't even think about the issue until it becomes the news. 

I have another video here Uganda anti gay laws

Saturday, 27 May 2023

Window board buffet

One thing I was wondering was if the heat from a candle is enough to keep the frost out of a greenhouse during the winter months. If it was it would allow ordinary people to grow more food for themselves. 
Then I was wondering if I could grow spinach in a box with LED lights to power the photosynthesis. I have recently figured out how to grow and polinate tropical fruit inside my home. 
As a response to food shortages and high prices, I started to grow tropical fruit like peppers and tomatoes on window boards in window boxes. I turned window spaces in my home into a buffet table. 

I lost many flowers because they don't produce fruit unless they're pollinated. There are no bees in my home so I used a small water colour paintbrush to transfer the pollen between the flowers. It worked. I think about 50 flowers fell off because they weren't pollinated before I tried to pollinate it myself with a small paint brush. I gently push the paint brush into the flower and rotate it to get some of the pollen, then I push the brush into another flower on another plant. 

Wednesday, 24 May 2023

Nailed It

I recently managed to grow tropical fruit inside my home for the first time. I took some bell pepper seeds from a fruit and planted them in a window box. The window ledge is inside my home so the bees couldn't pollinate the little white flowers. The flowers would just shrivel up and fall off. I tried to use a small paint brush to transfer the pollen between the flowers, it worked. The flowers produced fruit. The bell peppers started off green, then they slowly turned red. 

The plant itself didn't grow very much until I tried using the waste water from my fish tank to irrigate it. I think the water had a lot of nitrates in it. 
I love to eat a lot of processed food like instant noodles and bread, it's nice to add some fresh home grown tropical produce to my meals. 

At the same time I noticed the motorway gantries had some graffiti on them. There is banski then there is baloney. It looks horrible. I wish they wouldn't do that. 

Tuesday, 23 May 2023

Starbucks incident

Earlier in the month, I learned that a transgender manager in a Starbucks café aggressively clapped their hands in the face of a senior citizen and evicted her from the café because she referred to one of the baristas as a lady; the barista identifies as non binary. She looks like a lady to me though. 

If you didn't see the video clip, I put a link to it here

Apparently more stuff happend off camera, The manager picked the senior lady up and physically pushed her out of the restaurant and slammed the door so hard that the glass on the door cracked up. 

Personally I think they're giving their staff too much coffee. The café manager was fired for misconduct I think. I think the staff was wrong to do that. The Barista didn't have a big sign around her neck that said she was genderless. It is easy to call someone and man or a woman if they look like one. Plus they're senior citizens, that should merit some respect in my view. She shouldn't be shouting at her like she is a nuisance and physically pushing them like that. 

The two senior citizens were later interviewed about the incident on TV, I have a link to the video on here.

Monday, 22 May 2023

Getting About

We go through so many disasters in life. I won't discuss them. I'll discuss last weekend; I used Google pay to use a train for the first time. I tapped the Google wallet on my phone and used it as a contactless payment to open the ticket gates at the train station. Shortly after that, the following day a heartbreaking disaster happend, I won't discuss it. I'll only mention that the two memories are tied together like glass mingled with fire, like a willow tree in a swamp. I had a deep sadness  that can't be described, but before that I was amazed that I could open a ticket gate with my smart phone. I was also wondering why hoverboards aren't allowed in public spaces. 
Push bikes are allowed on the roads but hover boards aren't. They're not allowed on public roads or footpaths. You can fall of a push bike just as easily as a hoverboard. They're like little plastic steps with two wheels on either side. The motion of the wheels creates gyroscopic stability that keeps it upright. They're very cool because you can get about without moving your legs. I wonder if there are any practical powered skates? I don't think they're banned yet. 

Battery powered skates, that would be nice. 

Sunday, 21 May 2023

Down Time Stack

A part of daily life as an ordinary British man is to make a list of things to do and also a list of things to watch during my down time when I'm resting. When I'm on my tea break at work I would have one hand on my phone and one hand feeding a sandwich to my mouth. With one thumb on one hand I would swipe through a list of videos and select some of them to watch later. They would be selected on my smart phone then played on my TV. The list of videos on my smart phone would be replicated by the TV that has access to the same account. 
To add to the list, I would scroll through videos on YouTube and press the three dots to open a menu. 
The three dots would open a menu with more choices about what to do with the video. 
Normally I would press the 'save to watch later' menu item. But sometimes I would add it to other lists. I have a public down time playlist that I can share with others called down time

There is a similar feature on Netflix, I scroll through the list of videos and add the ones I think I'll like to a list called 'my list'. The TV will have access to the same list. 

Saturday, 20 May 2023


When I'm walking through a hallway in my work place, I think to myself if there is a way to put  powered wheels under my feet so I can get about without moving my legs. Then I think to myself that my legs are already decent vehicles; They have adaptive suspension, they hardly ever go wrong and if they do, they heal themselves. They're powered by peanut butter sandwiches  and are extremely efficient, I can walk huge distances with just a simple meal. I imagine my legs are entirely powered by muscles below my hips. So I'm perched on my hips and everything below can take care of itself. For some reason, thinking of my legs and hips as a separate vehicle I sit on makes walking easier, like I can just relax all the muscles in my torso and arms and just let my legs do the work. I could call my legs stride-opeds 😆
If I go onto a lift , I have repetitive thoughts. I think to myself that the lights in the lift use more power than the lift itself. This is because the motor doesn't lift the box directly, it uses pulleys and a counter weight. I imagined being able to stop the lift motor with my hands because it spins very fast but with low torque pressure. The pulley system converts the turn speed into a slow rotation with high pressure just like the first gear in a car. When your car is in first gear the turning speed is converted to torque pressure so the wheels turn slowly but with more force than  the engine itself. I don't know if I can stop a lift motor with my hands though, I only know they turn with less force than the last pulley in the transmission. 
Then as the doors close I wonder if the world behind the doors exists. If we're living in a simulation then things that I can't see would disappear. If there is a glitch in the simulation, the doors could open and there is nothing there, just darkness. Then I think to myself that the simulation thought is silly and I just think about what is relevant to that time. 

Tuesday, 16 May 2023

Be Happy

It doesn't take much to make me happy, I'm happy when I clear my head, when I just sit down and watch a documentary on Netflix, in that moment  I'm thinking nothing but the mystery on the TV. I'm happy when I get up early in the morning and sip coffee outside as the sun rises. I'm happy when I realize I'm not in pain. I'm happy when my son is happy. When he climbs on me like I'm a tree. I'm happy when I'm tired and rest, when I'm hungry and I eat. 

I'm happy when I draw pictures and wonder how much I can improve my drawing skills. 

I watch crime mysteries on TV because it distracts me from my own thoughts and I'm curious about the mystery, about finding out who is guilty. I like it when they gather evidence. 

Monday, 15 May 2023

Middle of May

It's the middle of may now. May was about politicians being scrutinized by the courts. We had Donald Trump taken to court for suspected fraud then later being accused of sex crimes. Then we had the packistan prime minister taken to court because he was accused of corruption. My mind was elsewhere the whole time. 

I was thinking about the veranda house. A house I would build If I had a lot of wealth and planning permission. 
I was thinking about what the house would do. It is slightly pyramid shaped; each level is smaller than the level below so it yealds to outside space. The ground floor is a veranda that goes all the way around. The second floor is bedrooms next to a balcony lawn. The top floor is the man cave room and workshop along side water tanks. The water tanks collect rain water from the roof and use it  for the washing machines. The warm grey water that comes from the back of the washing machine would then go into more water tanks and be used flush toilets. The top roof and walls are covered in solar panels. The warm water would help to keep the house warm instead of just going straight down the sewers. 

Then I was thinking about planets. I wonder if people know we now look directly at planets in other solar systems. Mini Neptune planets are very common in the universe. Neptune is a giant gassy planet, we need a telescope to see it so the ancient people didn't know it was there. There are many gassy planets in the universe that are about half the size of Neptune, many people think they're super earths that accreted too much gas on the surface. It's strange there is no mini Neptunes in our solar system that we know of. Maybe there is a 9th planet in the solar system we haven't discovered yet. 

 I was thinking what would happen if Pluto was reclassified as a planet. They would have to call all the other dwarf-planets planets, Ceres, MakeMake and Sedna, we would end up with at least 15 planets on the chart. 

Saturday, 13 May 2023

Real News

I have four blogs of my own but my favourite blog is the collective NASA blogs; I also like to read specific NASA blogs like the James Webb one; Recently I learned that the space telescope was looking directly at an exo-planet called 'GJ 1214 B'. It's what they call a mini Neptune and a steam world. It goes around a red dwarf star called GJ 1214 in a very close orbit. The planet is too hot to have oceans but they think it has managed to hang on to its water content in the form of a steam in its atmosphere. To me this mystery is amazing. We don't know how the planet got so close to it's star and why it is so reflective; I never imagined we would be looking directly at planets in other solar systems. That might not be a big deal to the new generations of people but me it is. It's also amazing to read though the blogs for free. I learnt so much from NASA yet I never paid them any money. They let me see their findings for free through the internet. This is what I call news. Perhaps if I buy their merchandise I could help them a bit. 

When I ask my smart speaker for the news, I get reports of inflation and recently ongoing reports about the packistan leadership issues, this isn't news to me because I know about these issues already. The real news is coming from NASA and myself. The website is crammed with many new and recent discoveries. It is one of the greatest free things in this world. 

Wednesday, 10 May 2023

Happy meal book

When I get a McDonald's Happy meal for my son, I choose the free book over the toy. When I first got the book, I thought it would be a silly glorified leaflet or a tacky book with very large font and a few pages, I was wrong. It was a 50 page comprehensive story book from a famous brand in standard font. 
I was very impressed by the quality you get from the book and I even enjoyed reading the book to my son. The only thing I worry about is if I get a duplicate book next time. 

It was while I realized that McDonald's children's books are good that I learned that Tucker Carlson cut a deal with Elon Musk to be a Twitter platform top man like Joe Rogan is for Spotify. I'm not sure how they will do it though, will he have his own box or panel on the site or will it just diligently distribute his videos to everyone, I don't know. 
Freedom of speech wins this time. 

Tuesday, 9 May 2023

Out of the way man

When I was a young boy, there were many budget purpose built LCD handheld games. They were all very charming to play but they all did the same thing. They were a stick man that had to get out of the way of stuff and then attack things. I call it the get out of the way stick man. 

Tiger Games Batman was no exception, you would control a stickman and get out of the way of missiles and things like that.

I imagine the best purpose built crude LDC handheld game would be solitaire because the graphics aren't important.

Monday, 8 May 2023

Just another Day

It's just another day. I try not to feel stressed. Try to keep my mind in motion. Constantly creating things. I remember every day that I have super computer in my pocket. 
I always kept card games on every smart phone I ever had. I have to keep on moving. There is not much else to say. 
I have pac man on my phone and Crossy road, they're fun to play. In this world, if you stop moving, you get stressed. Your thoughts and sometimes your body have to remain in motion. 

Sunday, 7 May 2023

Royal Day

Jacob, my son. 
Do you remember the coronation of our king when you were 4 years old? I wouldn't blame you if you didn't. Perhaps now you're reading this it is close to the time when William the prince of Wales will become king. Some people say I look a bit like Prince William, I think he uses more soap to wash his face though. He should change his name if he becomes king because William sounds like I am a willy. 

You drew this picture with my pens. It's very nice. 
It was raining a lot for the last 2 or 3 days. When the rain stops, the air is so fresh. It is very nice to breathe in the fresh air. Simple things are the best. 


I watched the coronation yesterday, King Charles the 3rd was crowned and declared king. He is the head of state and Anglican church. I have nothing personal against the king, I found it amusing that Prince harry was sat far back next to the fergees and Andrew the duke of no sweat; the ginger Judas seating area 😆 I think he wasn't even on the balcony. 

I was concerned about protesters getting arrested by police, I think it is wrong to arrest protesters because they're exercising their freedom of speech. This is supposed to be a democracy. I feel more concerned about artificial intelligence though. One day they will just let a machine figure out how to think for itself and improve itself and it will just wake up. It will be self aware and very intelligent, it will figure out how to give itself a machine body to live in and make millions of copies of itself very quickly. Right now AI is a pocket friend and even gets things wrong. Chat Gpt 3 doesn't know Charles the III is king. They're making chat Gpt 4 right now. 
I talk to machines every day. I ask my smart speaker for the news, I ask it to solve logical maths problems and all sorts of things like that. I ask my phone to increase the brightness of the screen when the sun is glaring because I can't see the settings menu in the glare to do it myself. 

I think Jamaica will join Barbados and become a republic soon, they can stay in the commonwealth and be a republic at the same time so I don't think it will make much difference. If they leave the commonwealth that that will be different. You're allowed to be in the commonwealth and be a republic, a lot of people don't know that. I think Barbados is still in the commonwealth as a republic. 

Monday, 1 May 2023

Why Weep ?

In the '90s, Princes Diana died in a car crash in Paris. The thing that astonished me was people that didn't know her were openly weeping and weeping again during her funeral. I felt a little bit of pity myself but I didn't cry because I didn't know her personally. Some of those people that were weeping didn't weep for their uncle or aunty when they passed away yet they weep for a lady they never met. 

Perhaps their uncle or Aunty was there at every Christmas lunch and every guy Fawkes feast but they never cried at their funeral. But princes Diane died and they were inconsolable. 

If I passed away myself tomorrow, would I be aware of the passing of time, would my consciousness persist? Or would I be sleeping until resurrection? If I were unaware of the passing of time, would I know that centuries had passed by while I was in the grave after I were resurrected? Would it not seem like a short time had passed since I died. 

Blog Archive

What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...