Monday, 22 May 2023

Getting About

We go through so many disasters in life. I won't discuss them. I'll discuss last weekend; I used Google pay to use a train for the first time. I tapped the Google wallet on my phone and used it as a contactless payment to open the ticket gates at the train station. Shortly after that, the following day a heartbreaking disaster happend, I won't discuss it. I'll only mention that the two memories are tied together like glass mingled with fire, like a willow tree in a swamp. I had a deep sadness  that can't be described, but before that I was amazed that I could open a ticket gate with my smart phone. I was also wondering why hoverboards aren't allowed in public spaces. 
Push bikes are allowed on the roads but hover boards aren't. They're not allowed on public roads or footpaths. You can fall of a push bike just as easily as a hoverboard. They're like little plastic steps with two wheels on either side. The motion of the wheels creates gyroscopic stability that keeps it upright. They're very cool because you can get about without moving your legs. I wonder if there are any practical powered skates? I don't think they're banned yet. 

Battery powered skates, that would be nice. 

Blog Archive

What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...