Saturday, 13 May 2023

Real News

I have four blogs of my own but my favourite blog is the collective NASA blogs; I also like to read specific NASA blogs like the James Webb one; Recently I learned that the space telescope was looking directly at an exo-planet called 'GJ 1214 B'. It's what they call a mini Neptune and a steam world. It goes around a red dwarf star called GJ 1214 in a very close orbit. The planet is too hot to have oceans but they think it has managed to hang on to its water content in the form of a steam in its atmosphere. To me this mystery is amazing. We don't know how the planet got so close to it's star and why it is so reflective; I never imagined we would be looking directly at planets in other solar systems. That might not be a big deal to the new generations of people but me it is. It's also amazing to read though the blogs for free. I learnt so much from NASA yet I never paid them any money. They let me see their findings for free through the internet. This is what I call news. Perhaps if I buy their merchandise I could help them a bit. 

When I ask my smart speaker for the news, I get reports of inflation and recently ongoing reports about the packistan leadership issues, this isn't news to me because I know about these issues already. The real news is coming from NASA and myself. The website is crammed with many new and recent discoveries. It is one of the greatest free things in this world. 

Blog Archive

What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...