Wednesday, 31 May 2023

Uganda anti gay laws

I recently learned that the Uganda parliament has made being openly gay a crime. You can spend time in prison for promoting gay rights and being gay in public.

You can see the video here... Uganda anti gay laws

They're calling them the Uganda anti gay laws. They expect the gay community to keep their sexuality to themselves and keep quiet about it. 

I don't know why the news in this country is complaining about it. They're a democracy and they have passed some laws that reflect their veiws. They think it is a crime to be gay, let them think that way. It's their country. I will take note of all politicians that try to impose sanctions on Uganda and try to vote them out. We have no business interfering in other countries business.  I don't know if they're wrong or right to make the law. I have no view myself; I don't even think about the issue until it becomes the news. 

I have another video here Uganda anti gay laws

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