Saturday, 20 May 2023


When I'm walking through a hallway in my work place, I think to myself if there is a way to put  powered wheels under my feet so I can get about without moving my legs. Then I think to myself that my legs are already decent vehicles; They have adaptive suspension, they hardly ever go wrong and if they do, they heal themselves. They're powered by peanut butter sandwiches  and are extremely efficient, I can walk huge distances with just a simple meal. I imagine my legs are entirely powered by muscles below my hips. So I'm perched on my hips and everything below can take care of itself. For some reason, thinking of my legs and hips as a separate vehicle I sit on makes walking easier, like I can just relax all the muscles in my torso and arms and just let my legs do the work. I could call my legs stride-opeds 😆
If I go onto a lift , I have repetitive thoughts. I think to myself that the lights in the lift use more power than the lift itself. This is because the motor doesn't lift the box directly, it uses pulleys and a counter weight. I imagined being able to stop the lift motor with my hands because it spins very fast but with low torque pressure. The pulley system converts the turn speed into a slow rotation with high pressure just like the first gear in a car. When your car is in first gear the turning speed is converted to torque pressure so the wheels turn slowly but with more force than  the engine itself. I don't know if I can stop a lift motor with my hands though, I only know they turn with less force than the last pulley in the transmission. 
Then as the doors close I wonder if the world behind the doors exists. If we're living in a simulation then things that I can't see would disappear. If there is a glitch in the simulation, the doors could open and there is nothing there, just darkness. Then I think to myself that the simulation thought is silly and I just think about what is relevant to that time. 

Blog Archive

What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...