Sunday, 20 August 2023

Bike Fix

The town I live in is not bike friendly. I avoid cycling in my home town because there are hardly any bike roads and many motorists don't respect the rules, they drive close to 50 mph or sometimes 60; there are flowers on some of the roads where cyclists have been knocked of their bikes and killed.  I figured out a way to make High Wycombe bike friendly without being a nuisance to motorists. 

I would convert kingsmead road into a one way single lane road, the other lane that is lost would become a two lane bike road for bikes going east or west. It would then link up with bassets lane over the foot bridge and then join the existing bike lane at the back of rye park. Rye Park is close to the town centre and there are many pavements there that don't get used much and they could become the last stretch of the bike road. Kingsmead road goes all the way to the retail park at naives beech(the tree). 

Kingsmead road is already a nuisance to motorists because there are crossing islands that force cars to give way. It would better if it was a single car lane going in one direction with two bike lines next to it. That way, motorists wouldn't need to worry about pulling over at the crossing islands. 

There would be signs on London road that point to the bike bypass road so cyclists and get to a safer bike road. 

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