Sunday, 31 March 2024

What March 2024 Means to me

March was different this year, there was so much rain that the river where I live had become completely saturated, it was filled to the brim and could barely take anymore water without overflowing. The event that stood out this month was learning that the princes of Wales received treatment for cancer. We never knew she had cancer; I thought it was only the king that had it. Cancer is caused by cancer cells, cells that are faulty and keep dividing and duplicating themselves until they kill the surrounding tissues. Your immune system usually kills cancer cells but on rare occasions, the immune cells can't detect that the cells are faulty. Cancer causes death when it spreads to other parts of the body and causes organ failure. 
A bit later in the month I learned that a giant multimillion tonne cargo ship had lost power and drifted into a major bridge in Baltimore Harbour, a major sea port in the USA. The bridge instantly toppled over. I couldn't help but think of a few paradoxes related to the accident. I wondered what would happen if a hammer that can't be stopped struck and object that can't be moved. Then I thought if there is a big bang that spurted out the universe, there must be a big detonator to set it off. Then I was wondering if there is a big detonator, what made the detonator exist? It probably wouldn't look like a plunger that you push down though. Then I remembered the suiz canal shipping disaster. A giant cargo ship got blown by the wind and wedged itself into the sides of the canal back in march 2021.
It was in march 2021 that the Suiz canal was blocked by a cargo ship. Now the flow of goods over a bridge was cut off by another shipping disaster because the bridge In Baltimore was toppled over in march 2024. The world seems to have an invisible 3 year clockwork to it or I make connections where they don't belong. 

Tuesday, 26 March 2024

Baltimore Bridge Disaster

Yesterday I learned that a 280 million tonne cargo ship lost power and crashed into Baltimore Bridge causing it to topple into the sea. Baltimore is a large port city in-between Washington and Virginia. It is the American equivalent to Portsmouth here in Britain. 
You can't stop a 280 million tonne cargo ship without engine power or significant distance unfortunately. It was just before I learned of the Baltimore Bridge Crash that I was thinking about EVs. 
Many electric cars can store more than 35 KWH(kilowatt-hours), my home uses about 5 KWH every day so electric car batteries could power my home for a whole week or more; to me that is astonishing, I never imagined they would make batteries that could store enough energy to power your house for weeks. Perhaps it would be normal to plug cars into a meter and power your house when there is a power cut. 

Monday, 25 March 2024

Last week of March

This is the last week of March, things are warming up a bit. The River in my town has reached the limits of its capacity, it can't carry any more water without overflowing. It has been like that for some days now. 
I was thinking, if there is a big bang that spurted out all matter in the universe, wouldn't there need to be a big detonator. In this world, every explosion has a trigger that caused it to happen. Those linear plunger ones that you push down comes to mind. You push the plunger down and it generates an electric charge, the charge runs across the explosive material and causes a chain reaction that leads to an explosion. 

Then I was thinking of a scenario where you're wearing roller skates and you have a dog on a leash pulling you along. Is that a vehicle? How would you define the vehicle? Dog and Skates? 

Then I was thinking what would happen if you kept zooming into an atom, you would see the quarks and other sub atomic particles that make it but then what? What are the sub atomic particles made of and all the smaller particles that make up those. 

Sunday, 24 March 2024

Cancer in the royal Family

Recently at the tail end of winter and start of Spring 2024,  I learned that the Royal Family are dealing with cancer. Both King Charles the 3rd and the princes of Wales, Kate Middleton have cancer. The disease can affect anyone at any time. 
Cancer is caused by cancer cells, cells that are faulty and can't stop diving. The cancer cells cause the nearby tissues to die because they overcrowd the space and use up all the oxygen and glucose. Eventually if the cells are able to spread they would cause organ failure.

I try to make every day count because one day I will die like everyone else. No human I'm aware of has lived past 150 years of age. Even if it was normal to live beyond 200 years, that isn't a long time. 

Friday, 22 March 2024

Be Frank

In the middle of the '90s, John Major the prime minister privatised Britain's railways. The train network for a every region was fragmented into a separate private railway. Margaret Thatcher the previous prime minister thought it was a very bad idea to do that. I agree. 
The railway companies have to be honest but they don't need to be frank. If there is a way for you to save money on your journey, they won't tell you. 

If you're going from High Wycombe to Marylebone, you can get off the train at south Ruislip and tap into the oyster TFL (transport for London) network and only pay about £3.50 off peak, even if you're getting a Chiltern train. They won't tell you that, they'll let you buy a premium priced network ticket for the whole journey.  It's cheaper to buy ticket to south Ruislip and catch another train from the same platform after you have tapped into the TFL network. Private companies are there to make money. 

Tuesday, 19 March 2024

Helter Skelter Spring

It is true Spring now, the word for the season and the object called a spring are spelled the same and sound the same so when I think of spring time, I think of things that have a helix shape as well. I was remembering riding the helter Skelter at the fair ground. I thought it was clever because they realised that the stiff fibers on a coir-Matt has very little friction when it is placed on a metallic surface or on wood. The coir-matt allowed you to go down a shallow prolonged slide that spirals downwards. Without the coir-matt the slide wouldn't work because the slope angle was too shallow. 
This spring is the first time I tried the Kombucha drink. It is a tea mixed with juice and live bacteria. The bacteria are friendly and the ones that are able to pass through your stomach alive start to live in your intestines and help your guts. You could say it has lasting health benefits. Since I took the drink I have been farting a bit less than normal. 

Sunday, 17 March 2024

British Train Inconsistencies

I noticed the pricing on rail tickets in the UK are inconsistent. I'll give you an example..

The distance between Barking and Southend, and the distance between High Wycombe and Marylebone is roughly 50 km for both journeys but the rail providers charge different prices for off peak trips. 

A C2C train from Barking station to Southend central is £8.50, that is about 15p per kilometre. A trip from High Wycombe to Marylebone is more expensive. 

A journey of a similar distance, 50km is more expensive on the Chilterns railway, it costs about 26p per kilometre. It is so uncompetitive that it is cheaper to take an Uber if you have 4 passengers. 

If you have 4 passengers, the journey will cost £11.48 per person because the whole car ride is £45.93

My question is why? Why is it cheaper to travel 50 km in the C2C train network then the children railways? Is it because the Chiltern railways still use diesel trains? Is it because there are two train lines that go to Southend so they face more competition? I don't know the answer, I only know that every rail network has different prices for equivalent distances. 

Friday, 15 March 2024

Two Quests

It would be nice to get to a stage where I can sit down and play computer games and play learning audio at the same time. I would be on two quests, a quest on a 3rd person adventure game on my  Nintendo and a quest to learn Spanish. 
If someone asked me what I'm doing, I would say I'm learning Spanish. I have a learn in your car audio in my Amazon music library. I can make my smart speaker play the audio.  
The time wouldn't be wasted because I enjoy the time and I'm learning Spanish at the same time. Some people go on holiday and get drunk because they want to think less but I just want happy thoughts. I want to turn the Sod so my thoughts are a quest to learn and play. 

Happy thoughts. 

Wednesday, 13 March 2024

London Tourism Advice

I'm no stranger to London and Easter is around the corner, I thought I should share some advice to tourists visiting London. 

Stay at the edge of the city, the hotels are cheaper there. I would recommend Uxbridge. If London was a clock face, Uxbridge would be where the number 10 is. There is a hotel next to the train station and the station has two lines that branch off from it. The chain hotels don't check or care how many people are in a room so you can bring inflatable mattresses and bring a whole family to one double room. 
If London was a clock face, Heathrow airport would be a polca dot beyond the clock face next to the number 9 so there are several buses that go from Heathrow to Uxbridge, the Carousel 102 to high Wycombe passes through Uxbridge. 

If you did stay at Uxbridge, there are several perks that come with the train station, both the Piccadilly and Metropolitan lines stop at that station. 
If you stay on the metropolitan line and get off at Finchley road, you can get a Jubilee train from the same platform because jubilee and metropolitan line trains share a platform and go in the same direction. The Jubilee line stops at some key points on the river, by the clock tower with the big Ben bell in it and near London eye. The Jubilee line also stops at the Greenwich ("gren itch") peninsula. Most the interesting stuff is near the river, even Trafalgar Square is a 15 minute walk from the river Thames ("tems"). The Piccadilly line goes to most the important places, Leicester Square, Piccadilly Circus and places like that. 

Monday, 11 March 2024

Play Away from Harm

I think girls self harm themselves more than boys because more boys play computer games and card games. Society has poisoned young people's minds so they think they need superficial things to have a good status in society. They have to dress well, have certain possessions or have a certain attainment. Nothing good comes from thinking that way, If a young person feels like they're worthless, they'll hurt themselves to feel better. I accept society is like that so at least I have to replace my worn out clothes. To be a part of this society is like walking through a dark stinky swamp. We only do it because we have to. 
The more books you read and the more games you play, the happier you will be. That's the way it is. I remember  reading the book 'Who goes there' by John Campbell. He wrote the story that the thing sci-fi horror is based on, it put lots of scary thoughts in my mind, it was a very interesting book. 
The joy of sitting down and playing cards or playing computer games is priceless. That is the way we need to be. I hope I can get my Nintendo switch soon and play lots of computer games in my down time. 

Tuesday, 5 March 2024

Spring Trance

It is march, one of the three spring months. A common thought an ordinary man like myself has is the love of being lost in what I'm doing. Playing computer games and listening to language lesson at the same time in the darkness of the night. If you're leaning Spanish while you play then you'll have no guilt about the time spent. 
There is nothing much to talk about. My society is struggling to balance itself out. They're trying to slow down inflation keep everyone in order. That's it. 
Another way to think less is browse online shops, look at loads of products without buying anything. I look at different t-shirts and devices. Sometimes a buy stuff but most the time I'm just looking. 
Nothing like being lost in a book though l.

Sunday, 3 March 2024

Mayor of London

In recent months the current mayor of London has made some changes; a new map and names for the overground trains and ULES charges for higher emission vehicles. It's open to debate whether or not it's a good idea. No doubt I would do things differently if I was the mayor. 
Firstly I would have aluminium frames built above the open air portion of the metro rail with scaffolding that houses solar panels, I would get investors to pay for it and give them handsome returns to encourage them to invest a lot more. The space above the trains would become an asset to London transport because it sells electricity back to the national grid. 

Then I would introduce the 'small talk code', I would announce that if you wear a cap or t-shirt with red and green stripes, it means you're up for small talk. Perhaps people could have key words on their t-shirts for an ice breaker, like sports and computer games. London lacks small talk yet it is essential for mental health. I would have canvas printed signs attached to lamp posts to show everyone the ' small talk code'. 

I have many ideas that I think would be useful, boat rides to Southend for the tourists if they want to visit the coast and things like that. 

The problem is I have no prestige or status in society so my ideas will stay in my head. Never mind. Perhaps someone with a high status will read this post one day. 

That is the problem with society, you need a high status or prestige before anyone will listen to you. You could have a solution to a big problem and it would stay with you till you die. 

Blog Archive

What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...