Sunday, 3 March 2024

Mayor of London

In recent months the current mayor of London has made some changes; a new map and names for the overground trains and ULES charges for higher emission vehicles. It's open to debate whether or not it's a good idea. No doubt I would do things differently if I was the mayor. 
Firstly I would have aluminium frames built above the open air portion of the metro rail with scaffolding that houses solar panels, I would get investors to pay for it and give them handsome returns to encourage them to invest a lot more. The space above the trains would become an asset to London transport because it sells electricity back to the national grid. 

Then I would introduce the 'small talk code', I would announce that if you wear a cap or t-shirt with red and green stripes, it means you're up for small talk. Perhaps people could have key words on their t-shirts for an ice breaker, like sports and computer games. London lacks small talk yet it is essential for mental health. I would have canvas printed signs attached to lamp posts to show everyone the ' small talk code'. 

I have many ideas that I think would be useful, boat rides to Southend for the tourists if they want to visit the coast and things like that. 

The problem is I have no prestige or status in society so my ideas will stay in my head. Never mind. Perhaps someone with a high status will read this post one day. 

That is the problem with society, you need a high status or prestige before anyone will listen to you. You could have a solution to a big problem and it would stay with you till you die. 

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What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...