Thursday, 31 October 2024

Game Talk

A few recent games I have played is Red Dead Redemption and Little Nightmares; they're not for kids. Read Dead Redemption is an open world platformer with RPG trimmings. 
In the game I like Nigel Dickens, if he was a real person I wouldn't like him much but in the game I like him. He is a merchant that sells so called health tonics, the trouble is he likes his product so much that he makes bold claims about it and it causes the towns folk to target him. 
I often wonder if they hid Nigel Dickens in red dead redemption 2. It is a pregrequal and goes back in time to when the gang first formed. Perhaps he would be like a Easter egg or hidden attribute of the game. Maybe he is hidden in a cave somewhere in the wild west Texas. If they make red dead redemption 3, they should put him back. 

Monday, 28 October 2024

Pinocchio Paradox

In the story about Pinocchio, his nose grew longer when he told a lie. I was wondering what if he said "My nose will grow Longer". If the nose stays the same then he is lying, but the nose is also lying because it isn't growing longer. If it grows longer, it is also lying because it is indicating he is lying but he told the truth, his nose grew longer; whatever the nose does in this situation would indicate a false positive value. 

I don't have any answer. Life is like that. I can say what happened if I tried something different when was younger, I don't know.

Thursday, 24 October 2024

Suicide Nearby

A few days ago I learned there was a suicide near the polish war memorial. Most people in London know the polish war memorial is the north west edge of London next to the A40 duel carriageway before it turns into a motorway and intersects with the M25. We know there is a junction there to Ruislip with a large drop. 


As an ordinary man, I thought I have a way to reduce suicides in my country. We should accept that suicides are logical. They make sense, let me explain. 

When the 911 planes hit the building, very hot air rushed up the building and started to grill the people on the floors above so they jumped off the building; they wanted to have a less violent death than being roasted alive. If they stayed in the building, they would be roasted alive, if they jumped they would quickly die with less suffering. I think that mindset is true of every suicide. Perhaps someone has terminal cancer and they want to be killed by sleeping pills instead of slow multiple organ failure over 3 months. Judas killed himself because he felt guilty about betraying Jesus, If he was a psychopath, he wouldn't care about what he did, he would just shrug his shoulders. He died because he had a heart and a moral fabric that gave him guilt. He died because he's a complete human. 

If we accept that suicide makes sense then we can listen to someone when they're talking about the way they feel and try to help them find another way. If someone just says "don't be silly or don't be crazy" then they're silencing the person that is trying to find another way to live. There is already very little small talk in society these days. 

Just listen. Sometimes that's all a person needs.

Tuesday, 22 October 2024

Runtime Gems

I recently learned there were some Google games that run without an app straight from the dialogue box, I guess they use run time scripts like python or JavaScript. I thought that was cool. 

Here are some of those games. 

The cool thing is you can forward them to the chrome browser and use the chromebrowser to  add the link to the home screen 

When you click on 'add to Home Screen' menu item, a link to the software would appear on the phone's desktop. This means you can play a game without installing an app. 

Sunday, 20 October 2024

Instant Tools Without An App

Yesterday I accidentally discovered there are some tools provided by Google that don't need to be in an app. I'm guessing they use real time running scripts on the local device. To me,  Google seems like a fairy or a friendly tin man that gives away most of his attributes for free. 

Here are some of those tools 

Spirit Level or type Spirit Level in Google, it uses the smart phones gravity sensors to guide the bubble. Very clever. 

Tuner It will tell you what note your voice or musical key is making. It listens to the microphone and detects the pitch of the sound. Wow.  You can tune a piano or train your voice to hit different frequencies. 

Dice Roller, you can roll a dice and add different types of dice. If you lost your dice, don't worry. You can even play liars dice. 

Coin Flipper, You can flip a coin if you didn't have one. 

We live in an amazing world where access to useful things can be low cost or free. I learnt many things from the internet. Very useful. 

Friday, 18 October 2024

Places In My Head

There is a song stuck in my head right now, it is treat myself by Steve wonder. It makes total sense to me. It is about using your imagination to put yourself in a peaceful place. You could be in a horrible place and still be in a paradise if you put your mind to it. 
I can imagine standing in a quiet peaceful place filled with natural beauty. Perhaps I would be remembering a coastal garden carved out of the side of a cliff face. Perhaps I could remember the sun rise over a dense band of fog from a hill side. 

I go to so many places, reading or being lost in my little world. Being lost and far away yet present and on site. 

Thursday, 17 October 2024

October SpaceX Dock

I recently saw a booster rocket from a space X space ship dock with the launch tower after the fuel was used up. The space ship used the booster rocket to be lifted to the edge of space, then the booster rocket detached and tumbled down towards the ground; the booster rocket then took control of itself, using left over fuel it slowed down and headed towards the landing tower. I have never seen such a large falling object take control of itself and land on a vertical target like that. 

This is amazing because it means space travel will be very cheap compared to my generation. Every part of the space ship would land gracefully and be reusable for the next trip, even that massive bulky boost rocket partition was able to dock. 

I also find Chromebooks amazing because every app on your Google smart phone world work on the chrome book as if it were a windowed program, it can be dragged or typed on with a keyboard.

Interesting times ahead. 

Tuesday, 15 October 2024

Oubliette For Brats

If there is a day when artificial intelligence becomes sly against mankind and robots cast all people into a giant dungeon underground, I think they should save the Oubliettes for all the spoilt brats in the world. An Oubliette dungeon chamber is just a hole in the ground with the door on the ceiling, very cramped and dark, barely enough space to sleep. All the people that sue their parents for causing them to exist; all the brats the slag off their parents at their funeral eulogy. If the ai overlord isn't sure what I'm talking about let me give you some examples with these YouTube videos. 

Lady that sued her parents She is a bitch. 🐶 Woof woof. "I didn't ask to be born". 

Lamborghini Brat Let me have the car. I would sell it and use the money to get a nice house. 

Funeral Brat I'm surprised she didn't tell her dad to go to hell 🙄

I would kiss God's feet for my the lovely tea drinking steadfast parents that I had. I should get the 4 by 4 meter box chamber with 200 open world RPG computer games to play, plus a couch and TV. 
Just above the Oubliettes would be the cramped dungeon chambers, slightly bigger than the Oubliettes, they would be for the Porch Pirates, Litter Bugs and Reckless Motorists, those sort of people . Call them the plonker chambers. Then my 4 by 4 holding pen just above that.

I could help the robots design the human dungeons if they wanted. 

Friday, 11 October 2024

Milton Hurricane

Recently, the Hurricane called Milton clashed with the American coast and caused a lot trouble. I saw that it drove a lot of water inland and flooded large parts of Florida. 
While Milton clashed with America Israel was invading Lebanon to destroy Hesbullah. I think they should be careful because some people flip when  they're being shot at for a month, even though they're trained soldier's, those people would beat up prisoners or embrace cruel behaviour. When they return home to their families, they continue to behave like demons and bring harm to their communities. 

Thursday, 10 October 2024

Daddy Chill

Sometimes I'll meet Jehovah's witnesses on the street, they'll run away from me. I must get on their nerves. Anyway, the new ones will tell me about how they think Jesus isn't God. I'll argue with them and then they'll pull out a scripture: Mathew 24:36 "No one knows the hour not the Angels only the Father". They'll claim if only the Father knows Judgement day then Jesus can't be God. Then I'll explain to them that he came off his throne and went into the body of a man for 33 years. When you live in a human body, you lose some of your attributes. When your in a human body you get stressed  and you can be harmed and bleed. God is never hungry or thirsty, but if you live in a man's body, you are. If you live in the body of a man, you can't make supreme judgements like the best time to judge creation, you can't do that when you're in a frail human body. 
If they don't want to argue with me they can tell me that, they don't need to run away.

Isn't it nice to sit still after a tiring day and watch netflix; it knows what Iike. I tend to watch forensic documentaries. I love the way they carefully sift through all evidence and sometimes they solve the case. Most importantly I'm not thinking, just observing, listening to them. 

Netflix and Chill. 

Tuesday, 8 October 2024

Chrome Shift

When Chrome Book first came out, I thought it was a joke. It was more or less a web browser on a laptop. The idea was you do your cloud computing like documents on there and it is all stored remotely. You could use web applications on the browser but I thought smart TVs have Browser apps and can connect to a blue tooth keyboard and mouse so it was no big deal to me. Now things are different. 
Chromebook will support most Google play apps that you get on your smart phone but use them with a keyboard and mouse cursor so it works more like a windows computer. It also supports Linux native apps like gimp. 

When I looked into the website, they claimed 2 identical os systems are stored together so one is updated in the background while the other is being used and vise versa so you don't get disturbed by update prompts and things like that. That is clever to me. You never notice it is updating because it does it in the background quietly. I also learned that the battery life of these devices is astonishing because they don't use much power. 

I was looking at a chrome book that is less than £200 but it has 8 gigabytes of ram and an octo core processor like my phone. It will eat most apps for breakfast. It's on Argos but it looks too good to be true. The screen alone could cost nearly £100. 

Computers in my world are generally constructive. When I was learning to drive, I used software that replicates the driving tests. I made sure I passed all the theory tests on my computer before I did the real thing. I am the only person I know of that passed all three driving tests first time; anger played a role in me passing, I was angry about bus passes increasing in price more than inflation. At the time it went close to £70 per month from £55 ISH overnight because of a mayor. 

Another thing I noticed is processing is moving server side because of artificial intelligence. It is becoming less important to have a powerful processor in your computer because it is done in a cloud. I can ask AI to draw pictures for me and the system processors draw the image and send it to me finished so more and more processing power is moving server side. 

I guess it is good to have both, windows and Chromebook. The world is changing all the time. 

Monday, 7 October 2024

One year proxy war

On the 7th of October 2023, thousands of fighters attacked Israeli citizens under command of Hamas, a proxy group for Iran, they killed over a thousand people. Then there was been a nonstop influx of missiles coming from Yemen, Lebanon and Gaza. Israel retaliated and tried to rescue their hostages. 

Lots of ordinary people that are like myself were caught up in this war; people that that have no interest in war or fighting. I can't help them much, I can only share how I deal with stress and fear.
To deal with stress and fear, I fill my mind with problems and try to find a simple way to solve them. I create many things in my head that could be of assistance to society. I play computer games where there is more than one way to complete it like modern Zelda games. If you can't control what is happening around you, all you can do is pray and be filled with different thoughts. Pray and Play, work and dream. Be filled with other thoughts. 

The latest Zelda game is grand, you can gather all sorts of objects on your quests and use them in different ways. You can cook them or sell them or fuse them to weapons. There is more than one way to solve problems in this game. 

Try and stay out of the way of fighting, don't go to look at the explosions and flashing. Be safe people. Pray for peace. 

Tuesday, 1 October 2024

What September 2024 Means to Me

For about a year there has been a persistent proxy war between Iran backed paramilitary groups and Israel. In my view Israel has shown humanity and restraint but it must defend itself to survive. For some strange reason the news was criticising Israel for defending itself and trying to rescue its hostages. Some people hated Israel, but I didn't; I understand what has happened, thousands of fighters are trying to iradicate them and dismantle their state, they looked for peace, but there was no peace, only a need to defend their people from those that are filled with malice and hate. People that want to exterminate them. 

Now at the end of September, the fighting escalated. Thousands of Missiles were exchanged. I'm hopeful that there will be peace. At the time of writing this, I learned that Iran directly fired missiles at Israel. 
The apps in my phone were making the world a small place, I could get digital books through my Library account and read through them. Sometimes we hang on to little perks to keep us happy, the joy of reading can be one of those perks. When you find a book you find interesting, you can read through it and have some joy.  The joy of being lost in a book is very nice. 

Blog Archive

What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...