Friday, 13 November 2015

Jihadi john assassination, my verdict

Today I am so happy and grateful that I'm not in a situation where I am going to be killed. If I am going to die early I don't know it and that is good because no man should suffer such a terrible ordeal.

Today in the morning I discovered that Jihadi John the masked terrorist had been killed by a drone missile. Jeremy Corbyn the leader of the opposition party said that he should be taken to trial instead of being assassinated. This true, it is good to arrest people and imprison them instead of killing them, however there is no one present to arrest him and he was murdering many people; we only saw the western nationals he beheaded, he killed many local people on a regular basis. I'm pleased he died because the next person that he was due to kill has been spared because he is dead. If he were to kill 5 people next week and you stopped him from being killed then you would kill 5 people. It is same here at home, if there is a man running around shooting people then the best remedy is to shoot that man before he kills more people, if you can arrest him then that is good but if you must then shoot him so he's bad deed is cancelled.

Cancelling bad deeds is what this whole offensive is about and I hope that as few innocent people die as possible. No one likes war except wicked people but sometimes it has to be done that way.

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What February 2025 Means To Me

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