Monday, 30 November 2015

Turbulence revelation

On Sunday night I was flying to Amsterdam and the plane was caught in a storm. It was the greatest amount of turbulence I had ever experienced on a plane. As the plane went to land the pilot aborted the landing because the wind was shifting the plane from side to side. We were informed that it was a normal procedure and that we had nothing to worry about.

The plane was being tossed around so violently that I sensed the plane could easily crash. I'm normally a nervous person but for some reason the thought of my plane crashing didn't make me nervous, I was fine with the idea of my plane crashing, it didn't really bother me. I could hear people crying and also the sound of a large crowd vomiting. I pulled the magazine from the seat pouch and read an article about investing in property in Ibiza, apparently the property prices in Ibiza are inflating so fast that buying and selling there is guaranteed to to bring you huge profits.

Anyway, I learnt something about myself that day. I learned that I am better at coping with certain situations than I thought. There are times when I should feel afraid and I don't, perhaps when the situation is out of my control then the rational part of my mind calms me down.

Today I am grateful for inner strength and stability because there are strengths that don't know I have and they are wonderful. I am also grateful for rational thought because that can have a calming effect. If a situation is outside of your control then there is no point feeling tense. 

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What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...