Saturday, 14 November 2015

War on stupidity

Today I'm so happy and grateful for life, It can be taken away from me at any time. I will make every day a special one.

Last night while I was working there was a string of terror attacks on Paris. The French are my neighbours and I love their country and I think they are very cool. I feel sad that they had such a terrible attack like that.

There is a war on terror. But there should be a war on stupidity. How stupid does a man have to be to think he will receive a reward for killing people and himself. When you kill people and yourself you get nothing but a place in the history books as a fool.

When you die a fool you won't be rewarded for it. If another person tells you that you should do this then why don't you stand up and say "isn't that stupid?" It is wise to live your whole life blamelessly. We should teach our children not to accept anything that is told to us without reasoning and thinking about it.

No fool can tell me to kill another human being because I think for myself. My brain does not allow nonsense to displace common sense and reasoning.

People it is our minds that will be victorious over hate and violence. We will fill the world with creativity and love and we will think for ourselves. We will discover wonderful things and create beautiful things.

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What February 2025 Means To Me

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