Today I'm so happy and grateful for all the things that are free but shouldn't be free like this blog site.
This is my main blog and I changed the name of it from "my diary" to "alan's public diary" because the name of my main blog was misleading, it's not a diary although it is like a diary because the articles are all time and date stamped and some of my thoughts are present. Diaries are only intended for the person that is writing them, it is a book of letters to your future self. This my friend is a blog, it is for future me and present you.
Blogging is a wonderful hobby because it is a form of telepathy, my thoughts are put inside the mind of another person through their eyes and it is possible for the blog to outlive me, especially if I print it and put it in a time capsule. It is possible that the person that is reading this now is not even a human being but a powerful intelligent machine or alien. One thing that is likely is that a future me will be reading this to see what I was thinking in the past. Blogging is also a neat way to post on multiple social platforms because I can share a link to the blog instead of writing a post over and over again. I love the way I can express myself without someone telling me to shut up and I can also show my gratitude and reaffirm my will. I think everyone should have a dedicated e blog.
I have created a second blog to review objects and the news in a more formal way. I have called it alanisis.
I extend my gratitude for my good health and wealth and I salute all.
Alan Booth, Author of "unanswered questions of Alan John Booth"