Saturday, 31 August 2019

Radio ga ga

If I was voted the most boring man on Earth, I wouldn't be surprised or offended. I embrace who I am.

My humour is as dry and dark as the coal that mysteriously ran out when Thatcher was getting cremated and they were forced to use poll tax registration forms left over from the the turn of the 90s to keep the fire going.

I enjoyed watching the new Yankee workshop as a kid and could watch a box set 3 times over and people would tell me that I am boring. My super Human ability is that I can lull a crystal meth nutter to sleep just by talking to them.

Naturally being who I am, I went and bought an old school radio and was excited about it. I love listening to debates and news on the radio.

It turns out the radio I bought is the physical manifestation of irony. It picks up FM and DAB stereo but it only has one speaker. I guess the left and right speaker sounds are merged together. I know it is a computer pretending to be a transistor radio because DAB signals are strings of code that mathematically describe how to assemble the sound wave. The whole wave interrupts itself like morse code to express the characters. Nothing like fm or am.

But I love it.  And it does what it was designed to do. It plays all the stations I like to listen to, LBC and BBC R4 an R5. And It has a battery bay so I can take it with me if I need it.

Thursday, 29 August 2019

Sent home

Old-me, you have the gift of hindsight and know better about what will happen in the coming months than me. I can't make sense of it all.

Today I learned the prime minister can get the Queen to shut down parliament for a few weeks. It is a loophole in British law called Poroguing, sounds like a dessert but it's not sweet. The law is usually used after the tax year to allow the Queen to prepare her speech and clarify the progress of the islands economy.

The Queen didn't look very happy, she couldn't say no because there is another law that stops her interfering with parliament. I would call that checkmate, she doesn't want to interfere with parliament or politics.

The other day, Boris moved the Poroguing interruption to the middle of the period between now and October, during September and he nested the period near to EU conference leaving the entire cabinet barely a few weeks to debate an legislate.

I'm guessing that he thinks that is the only way to break the deadlock, to shorten their time so they can't block his government and publish laws. To get brexit finished so we can move on.

Theresa May was playing poker with the opposition and they blocked her every move. Now Boris is playing chess. New player new game.

I have no idea what will happen in the next six months. I don't even think about it anymore.

Wednesday, 28 August 2019

Take a stand

In the Fermi paradox, philosophers and scientists wonder why we are not receiving any radio signals from alien civilizations. There are many billions of planets in our Galaxy alone and there should be many civilisations.

Well, I have a theory. I think that less the 250 years after discovering radio, the civilisation is destroyed by its technology and this happens throughout the universe.

Here on Earth we missed a few nuclear winters thanks to patient commanders that dismissed faulty sensors during the cold war and there are many nations that are developing nuclear weapons.

The problem we are facing now is people's jobs are being replaced by machines. You see machines don't pay income tax, they don't buy things and they don't pay any bills. They don't want anything. Capitalism relies on consumers so when the teacher is replaced by a hologram,
The policeman by a robot,
The GP doctor by a universal diagnosis machine, the bank clerk by an app and there are no jobs left then our society will fall apart because there is no tax revenue and no business and no trade.

The way to stop this is to refuse to be served by a machine. We must ensure that a human serves us and give bad feedback to any company that forces us to be served by machine.

Then we will get machines to improve themselves and they will make themselves more intelligent than us. That is another story.

Monday, 26 August 2019

Sound system revelation

I was driving my car last night and discovered a game changing feature of my sound system.

Let me explain.

My car and my journey doubles as a language class. I learn Spanish while I am commuting. I get my lessons from a CD in the CD player, the CD comes as a set of 4 disks. Compact optical disks are old technology but my car's sound system takes compact disks. There is no USB socket or blutooth input feature in my car's dashboard.

The problem is that my learning is unbalanced. I know the first 6 tracks of the compact disk very well but not the other six. While I was driving last night I wondered if there was a way to create a short cut to a track on my disk. It turns out that you can and it works the same way as if you want to store a radio station. Not only that, but I can make the player repeat one CD track over and over and over again. So now I can keep playing one track on the CD until I master it then move to the next one. This finding is such a small thing but to me it is a game changer in my persuit of learning Spanish.

Surely I will learn Spanish more quickly now.

Sunday, 25 August 2019

Art reform

My second most time consuming hobby, drawing pictures is now dedicated to things I want. House, holidays and things like that.

And I will take more care with this blog and not rush to write a small essay every day in the space of 15 minutes, the rush causes mistakes.

Quality over quantity.

Saturday, 24 August 2019

Warm night

Jacob, my son. It is a warm night. Not sure if it is because it is late summer or because a forest the size of a small continent has been on fire for a month and released millions of tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

We live on an island and we are surrounded by water, this island has been trying to be a peninsular for nearly a century now. Somehow I think we would just be a small atoll if all the fresh water ice melted. I do feel worried. Mass flooding not the worst thing that could happen. We could have a runaway greenhouse effect that leaves earth looking and feeling like Venus. A lifeless world that is alive no more. 

Will the November frost arrive this year? You know better than me. Will October be scary because of halloween costumes? Or will Brexit put the gray on my scalp? What does the 20s decade mean to you my son?

Friday, 23 August 2019

Ignorance is costly

One thing I do in this world is I observe everything that goes on around me and I have learned one thing about the world and that is, ignorance is costly.

There are people in this world the believe that Rhino horns improve your desire for sex when they are ground up and eaten as a food. They are not stupid, they are just ignorant. Rhino horns are made of keratin, the protein that makes hair. Eating your hair, or anything made of the same protein as hair like a Rhino horn doesn't improve anything. This ignorance costs the Earth the existence of the Rhino. Many Rhino species are endangered because poachers kill Rhinos for their horns to supply ignorant people with this useless product.

The Americans spent vast amounts of money for about 50 years fighting wars to try and stop communism from spreading around the world. Communism was seen as a threat to them, they thought it was a powerful machine that would try to cut them off from world resources. It turned out that communism's biggest enemy was itself. The system required a perfect cooperation from it's citizens that didn't exist. Every person that benefits from communism must put something back that is an equivalent to what they take out. Otherwise the system can't support it's own weight.

All the Americans need to do was wait and let atrophy take a grip of the Soviet Union and they would have saved themselves all that grief.

The mind wonders.

Thursday, 22 August 2019

Burning Forest

The Amazon rainforest is burning. I feel worried. There is a lot of carbon locked up in all those large trees.

There was a time when Venus was like Earth but the planet turns more slowly so the magnetic fields were too weak to stop the solar winds from removing the water so the planet had nothing to stop the co2 from volcanoes from building up. The Earth is facing a similar problem, the green machine that removes co2 is being cut and burnt. I don't know how much more this planet can take.

Wednesday, 21 August 2019

Beyond Reason

If you were to look up at the top of the page, you would see an orange logo there saying Alan's Public diary, the orange that you see is fake. Your phone or device can only make three colours; Red, Green and Blue. The phone mixes those colors together to make other colors. The dots on your phone would spit out some blue, some green and a little bit of red and the waves of the three colours would overlap to make the appearance of a different wave. The same is true for yellow. When red and blue waves are emitted at the same time, the waves resemble the yellow part of the spectrum but they are not. There is real yellow but you never see it on your phone or computer screen.


I think the same is happening when we watch the news on the TV. They have a few stories and they show just a few things that are happening, we put together the few stories and then we combine the stories to make a scenario that is not happening. I think the world is different to the way we see it on TV.

People will see one country building powerful weapons and we see arguments and we fill the gaps, world war three is close? Really. I don't think so.

I will try to remain open minded and think that we will live in peace.

Sunday, 18 August 2019

Bumdon Shitty

If I was to pick up an oil lamp and there was a wish granting genie in the lamp instead of oil and he popped out to give me 3 wishes I would wish for wealth and world Peace but first I would wish for a city to mock London with.

The genie would say "I don't understand", so I would say,

"Let me explain".

I want to build a large island city in the sea near Britain that doesn't have the problems of London, then I would have a press conference for the new city. I will call the city Hindsightham.

I will say with a loud voice "people of Bumdon shitty" it is time for you to take your overpriced walking stick and step down as the Capital city of Britain. It is Hindsightham's turn.

"Bumdon shitty is so rubbish that need to break into song".

I would grab my crotch and spin around then kick the air and sing.

"Who's bad!, London". "You're doing wrong, you're doing wrong, charge to drive through. No parking", "you're doing wrong, you're doing wrong" rent to high" social house unfit for the Terminator to live in". Who's bad, who's bad. Satan, the only person that is safe in your flame thrower flats.

London's bad, so bad, so baaaad so baad. You know it's really really bad.

Then I would shout "step down as Britain's capital city Bumdon shitty.

The genie would high five me for saying the truth!

Thursday, 15 August 2019

Blind and colour

It turns out I'm not the only guy in the world that questions reality.

Jim Carrey seems to be onto something and David Icke  is convinced we are living in a distorted world that is controlled by Reptile like humanoid beings.

I watch David Icke's videos from time to time. I don't agree with everything he says but his conferences are very interesting. I remember once he said that we can't see most frequencies of light, I think this is very true. I put our blindness down to the size of the cone and rod cells in our retinas, they are only about 500 micrometers across. The cells must be able to touch both sides of a light wave to detect it, so this means that only light waves that are close to the 500 micrometer diameter of the cells can be detected by them. Well. Infra red light waves are still very narrow but they are much bigger than the cells so they can't be seen. Ultra violet light waves are smaller but they can't pass through the lense of your eyes. With radio waves, forget it. They go from 1 mm to thousands of kilometers.

This leaves me with one big question. If we could see all the wave lengths of light, would our brains assign colours to them? Are there more colours beyond the red and violet that no person has seen? ( I spell colour the English way).


Do our brains all assign the same colours to the different frequencies of light. Is my reds someone else's green? How would you describe the colours that you see?

Monday, 12 August 2019

If aliens found Earth dead

In the movie the Matrix, Neo (Keanu Reeves) wakes up one day on a futuristic plasma hovercraft thing and is told he was living in a computer simulation all of his life. He doesn't take the news very well and hyperventilates then falls on the floor. Well if I wake up on a futuristic plasma hovercraft and get told my life was a computer simulation, I would pause for a second then think, "now everything makes sense". I wouldn't fall down on the floor.
I would say "oh! So that is why the moon's  diameter to sun ratio is the same as it's distance from earth to sun ratio making it appear to be exactly the same size in the sky". And "oh ! That is why light particles slow down their time when they are shined from a speeding object like a train to ensure they don't go faster than the speed of light constant". And "oh, that is why many dogs know there is going to be an Earthquake before it happens".

If aliens that destroy civilizations on other planets and leave the victim planets lifeless arrive here and find Earth is already lifeless, I would have a message for them.

Dear alien destroyers of worlds. If you are wondering why this world was an active civilisation and just recently destroyed itself before you could get to it, then let me explain.

Firstly, I understand that the preparations you made for this sport of yours was a lot. You had to travel one billion splilions (one splilion is the distance you travelled divided by one billion) and build machines that destroy worlds. Unfortunately, humans are party poopers.

If the details of what happened are not recorded in this printout of my blog then I will assume that some people on one part of the planet said "you are bad" and the other part said "no, you are bad", a bit like a pantomime. This continued until the finger pointing fools tried to make the other guys shut up with their strongest explosives.

If you want to know how people can be so stupid, then please read on and things will be a bit clearer.

No need to make a simulation of human reality to find out why your sports event was messed up.


Sunday, 11 August 2019


The big problem with social media is that people want to fight against good reasoning and logic. The thing is, the two brothers good reasoning and Good logic are placid fellows and don't force themselves on people.

I see people fighting against capitalism and immunisations and the local authorities but I can tell you they are not stupid, they are just pushing the wrong way.. let me explain.

You may be worried if vaccines cause harm to children and there is nothing wrong with questioning it.. But. Don't forget the human smallpox is extinct because of vaccines and polio is endangered.

It is proven that we live longer because of vaccines. It is good if your immune system gets a heads up about diseases that could be harmful.

I will talk more about these issues later in the week.

Saturday, 10 August 2019

Too Much

I watched the world change around me as a child and a young man. I watched the internet appear in people's homes and turn into broadband.

At first it was dial up. A modem next to your computer would make a phone call to a computer and make strange whistling sounds that blurred into a hissing sound as it would download a page.


Broadband was invented, so a router would connect through a dedicated phone line all the time. Here in the UK, our phone sockets had extra pins in them for testing the line. This spare line was reinvented as a digital subscriber line, dsl. Then it was improved a few times for speed and security so we had advanced dsl, then advanced dsl 2. A filter would allow you to make a phone call at the same time by removing any sounds that had the same tones as the router.

Anyway, as time went on we went from half a million bits per second to 100 million bits per second in the last decade.

Here is where the problem for me is. I can't use 10 million bits per second. Even 10 Meg is too much for me. I can stream hd tv on two TV's and make a video call at the same time and still use less than 5 mb per second.

Broadband provider companies make me feel bad by telling me that by just paying a few quid extra per month, I can have fiber optic broadband installed and have over 100 mega bits per second. They don't get it ! I don't use 5 mega bits per second so over ninety five percent of the capacity won't be used. It would be like building a brothel in the Vatican, the pimp would  need to bring his Nintendo to work because he would have nothing to do. It would be a big waste.

The Same is true with mobile internet. They have 5g now. When my phone switches from 4g to 3g because of a bad connection, I don't notice it because I'm not using it that much.

We will see if things change.

Friday, 9 August 2019

Making my journey count

Like many people in this world, I commute to my job. I try to make my journey count by turning my vehicle into a class room. So when I drive to work, I play a CD that teaches you Spanish.

Well. Yesterday I got a new CD box set of 4 for teaching Spanish and I think this set is better than the old one because the old one uses modern techniques and I'm not modern, I'm like an old book shelf in a library.


I'm actually racing against my infant son to be fully bilingual. He has the supercharged sponge like properties on an infant brain and I have a head start because I already know one language and I know how to move my body. He has to learn everything from scratch, how to walk, swallow, run and sit upright and talk.

I have a feeling it will be a draw.

Wednesday, 7 August 2019

Brother of the Pig

I am an English man and there is one thing noticed about my society. I went to school here and I noticed that my generation are very rude. They swear all the time and they throw rubbish on the floor and they are violent. Because I am English I can criticise my own people without being called racist.

English people are turning into the Pig's Brother and Sister.

If you drive too fast and throw rubbish out of your car, you're the Pig's sibling.

If you raise your voice at an elderly person then you are the Pig's sibling. Show them respect!!

If you are rude for no reason then you are the Pig's sibling. 

If you get angry very easily and often fight people then you are the sibling of a Pig.

If you fail to return a person's verbal greeting then you are the sibling of a Pig.

If you walk around with a weapon close to you then you're the Pig's sibling.

Eventually it will be so bad that no one will visit us because they will think of England as a pigsty. And that the English man is the brother of the Pig...

Rude, arrogant, self righteous, bigoted, violent, dirty Pig! And I will welcome the scorn of my European brothers because it is true.

All that we will need is a snout and split hooves and a curly tail.

I choose my son's middle name, Curtis (courteous) because it means to be polite. To say please and thank you and return greetings and not raise your voice at the elderly. To be softly spoken and never swear and avoid using insults.

Cool morning

Jacob, my son. If you want to know what I think about the most I can tell you that I think about my mind creations. I create many things in my mind like machines that exploit the ambient heat that is everywhere to generate electricity. There are many of these creations. But I also think about you and my family.

I often question reality and why we are here and why everything is the way it is.

If I am killed before you can grow much older, it probably won't be my fault because I try to be healthy but at least I have left my thoughts behind for you to read.

Sunday, 4 August 2019

White supremacy

I often wonder if white supremacists know that by doing nothing but promote hate, they are the opposite to supreme, they are a waste of space.

When people measure themselves, they should imagine a world without them in it. If the world is better if you were not there then you are not supreme, you are a pest.

If you attack people and teach other people to attack people because of the way they look then it would be better if you were never born because you are useless to your community.

Being supreme is about being humble and kind to others and giving gifts and mastering musical instruments and having a hunger to learn new things.

Saturday, 3 August 2019

Cool night

Hello Jacob my son, If you want to know what is significant about the time when you were born apart from your birth I would say that your Island home of Britain is in the grip of a separation from the European Union. When you were born we were still in the European Union and there was a deadlock in parliament. None of the Mps could agree on how we would leave.

As a result, for the last 3 years, Continental Europe and Britain was playing poker with the well being of millions of people to gain an advantage and cut a better deal.

Your father is afraid but he keeps his chin up and carries on hoping Britain won't be driven into poverty in the 20s decade. You know the 20s better than me son. I have no idea what it will be like.

Friday, 2 August 2019

Walking sword

Harbouring hate towards anyone is very poisonous to your mind. In Christianity it is made very clear that if don't forgive everyone that wronged you, you won't be forgiven by God and will be condemned dwell in the outer darkness.

I created a playlist that will help people that want to get rid of hate and grudges caused by jealousy or unfair treatment. For the Atheist they can be free to live a happy life before they are consumed by the unthinking, unseeing oblivion that will swallow their dead mind when their time is up. For people that fear God, they can ask for forgiveness knowing they have forgiven others.

Here it is, play it in this order while walking in the park with the intention of letting go of hate.

1) Iron Lion Zion, by Bob Marley
2) Shine like a star, by Bob Marley
3) The glow of love, by Randy Crawford
4) Return to innocence, by Enigma
5) Merry go round of life, for Howels moving castle

This is the playlist I call the walking sword because I play it when I walk in the park to cut hate and grudges out of my mind.

I think I will make a YouTube version of the play list and share it on social media.

Thursday, 1 August 2019

The Aperture

I create many things in my head, and I zoom into parts of my creations to go into detail. I created my dream home inside my head.

Inside my dream home there is a thing called the Aperture. It is a large empty space in the center of the building. The purpose of this space is to move stuff around the house. When it rains, rain water is collected in large water tanks. The tanks sit in Aperture of the house at the top next to the roof. The rain water is used by the showers and washing machines. The gray water that leaves the showers and washing machine goes into another tank to be used by the toilets. The gray water is hot at first but the heat leaves the tank and flows into the Aperture and is used by the rest of the house like a hot water bottle slowly convects heat into a bed. Most houses treat rain water and gray water as waste and flush it away but not my dream home. It uses both waters. There is still treated tap water but that is for the sinks and the water from the sinks is added to the gray water.

The dust bins work differently in the house. They are holes in the wall that lead to chutes that descend through the Aperture and down into the basement where they are collected in big bins. The bin holes are only present on the inner walls that are connected to the Aperture. There is different holes for different types of waste. Can holes and plastic holes and card and paper holes.

There are also chutes for laundry. They all collect in the basement away from the cars. I mentioned this before but I made up an in-house micro metro rail network and the tracks zig zag though the Aperture from the basement to the attic where the laundry room is and the man cave. So drinks and laundry are hulled up to the top of the house through the Aperture on a tiny train with 4 carriages that have 1 seat each. The tiny train stations have catchy names, Car's Park for the basement, south hall for the landing hallway, resident square for the bedroom floor and Washington station for the laundry room and man cave. (The basement doubles as a car park and collection area for recycling and laundry)

Holding everything together is metal scaffolding. There are cages that petrude into the Aperture and they are cupboards.

Blog Archive

One Third of January

One third of January passed by already, it seemed like yesterday that we were setting up the Christmas  tree at the start of December. The i...