Friday, 9 August 2019

Making my journey count

Like many people in this world, I commute to my job. I try to make my journey count by turning my vehicle into a class room. So when I drive to work, I play a CD that teaches you Spanish.

Well. Yesterday I got a new CD box set of 4 for teaching Spanish and I think this set is better than the old one because the old one uses modern techniques and I'm not modern, I'm like an old book shelf in a library.


I'm actually racing against my infant son to be fully bilingual. He has the supercharged sponge like properties on an infant brain and I have a head start because I already know one language and I know how to move my body. He has to learn everything from scratch, how to walk, swallow, run and sit upright and talk.

I have a feeling it will be a draw.

Blog Archive

One Third of January

One third of January passed by already, it seemed like yesterday that we were setting up the Christmas  tree at the start of December. The i...