Saturday, 31 August 2019

Radio ga ga

If I was voted the most boring man on Earth, I wouldn't be surprised or offended. I embrace who I am.

My humour is as dry and dark as the coal that mysteriously ran out when Thatcher was getting cremated and they were forced to use poll tax registration forms left over from the the turn of the 90s to keep the fire going.

I enjoyed watching the new Yankee workshop as a kid and could watch a box set 3 times over and people would tell me that I am boring. My super Human ability is that I can lull a crystal meth nutter to sleep just by talking to them.

Naturally being who I am, I went and bought an old school radio and was excited about it. I love listening to debates and news on the radio.

It turns out the radio I bought is the physical manifestation of irony. It picks up FM and DAB stereo but it only has one speaker. I guess the left and right speaker sounds are merged together. I know it is a computer pretending to be a transistor radio because DAB signals are strings of code that mathematically describe how to assemble the sound wave. The whole wave interrupts itself like morse code to express the characters. Nothing like fm or am.

But I love it.  And it does what it was designed to do. It plays all the stations I like to listen to, LBC and BBC R4 an R5. And It has a battery bay so I can take it with me if I need it.

Blog Archive

One Third of January

One third of January passed by already, it seemed like yesterday that we were setting up the Christmas  tree at the start of December. The i...