Wednesday, 7 August 2019

Brother of the Pig

I am an English man and there is one thing noticed about my society. I went to school here and I noticed that my generation are very rude. They swear all the time and they throw rubbish on the floor and they are violent. Because I am English I can criticise my own people without being called racist.

English people are turning into the Pig's Brother and Sister.

If you drive too fast and throw rubbish out of your car, you're the Pig's sibling.

If you raise your voice at an elderly person then you are the Pig's sibling. Show them respect!!

If you are rude for no reason then you are the Pig's sibling. 

If you get angry very easily and often fight people then you are the sibling of a Pig.

If you fail to return a person's verbal greeting then you are the sibling of a Pig.

If you walk around with a weapon close to you then you're the Pig's sibling.

Eventually it will be so bad that no one will visit us because they will think of England as a pigsty. And that the English man is the brother of the Pig...

Rude, arrogant, self righteous, bigoted, violent, dirty Pig! And I will welcome the scorn of my European brothers because it is true.

All that we will need is a snout and split hooves and a curly tail.

I choose my son's middle name, Curtis (courteous) because it means to be polite. To say please and thank you and return greetings and not raise your voice at the elderly. To be softly spoken and never swear and avoid using insults.

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