I watched the world change around me as a child and a young man. I watched the internet appear in people's homes and turn into broadband.
At first it was dial up. A modem next to your computer would make a phone call to a computer and make strange whistling sounds that blurred into a hissing sound as it would download a page.
Broadband was invented, so a router would connect through a dedicated phone line all the time. Here in the UK, our phone sockets had extra pins in them for testing the line. This spare line was reinvented as a digital subscriber line, dsl. Then it was improved a few times for speed and security so we had advanced dsl, then advanced dsl 2. A filter would allow you to make a phone call at the same time by removing any sounds that had the same tones as the router.
Anyway, as time went on we went from half a million bits per second to 100 million bits per second in the last decade.
Here is where the problem for me is. I can't use 10 million bits per second. Even 10 Meg is too much for me. I can stream hd tv on two TV's and make a video call at the same time and still use less than 5 mb per second.
Broadband provider companies make me feel bad by telling me that by just paying a few quid extra per month, I can have fiber optic broadband installed and have over 100 mega bits per second. They don't get it ! I don't use 5 mega bits per second so over ninety five percent of the capacity won't be used. It would be like building a brothel in the Vatican, the pimp would need to bring his Nintendo to work because he would have nothing to do. It would be a big waste.
The Same is true with mobile internet. They have 5g now. When my phone switches from 4g to 3g because of a bad connection, I don't notice it because I'm not using it that much.
We will see if things change.