Friday, 23 August 2019

Ignorance is costly

One thing I do in this world is I observe everything that goes on around me and I have learned one thing about the world and that is, ignorance is costly.

There are people in this world the believe that Rhino horns improve your desire for sex when they are ground up and eaten as a food. They are not stupid, they are just ignorant. Rhino horns are made of keratin, the protein that makes hair. Eating your hair, or anything made of the same protein as hair like a Rhino horn doesn't improve anything. This ignorance costs the Earth the existence of the Rhino. Many Rhino species are endangered because poachers kill Rhinos for their horns to supply ignorant people with this useless product.

The Americans spent vast amounts of money for about 50 years fighting wars to try and stop communism from spreading around the world. Communism was seen as a threat to them, they thought it was a powerful machine that would try to cut them off from world resources. It turned out that communism's biggest enemy was itself. The system required a perfect cooperation from it's citizens that didn't exist. Every person that benefits from communism must put something back that is an equivalent to what they take out. Otherwise the system can't support it's own weight.

All the Americans need to do was wait and let atrophy take a grip of the Soviet Union and they would have saved themselves all that grief.

The mind wonders.

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What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...