Friday, 31 January 2020

What January Means to me

It is February now and the UK has finally left the European Union. It would be nice if the UK does well because then all those people that were saying we are making a mistake every single day can shut up. My Brexit polarity is currently neutral, I don't really care if we remain or leave. I'm just sick of hearing people on radio and TV go on about it. Plus their argument could be turned around, you could say the people that voted to remain didn't know what they were voting for. 

This month was the most stressful month for me out of the last 8 months because I have an infant son and I am worried about the new Corona virus even though it is the gentle cousin of Sars, and I feel like the future is uncertain. I also had to deal with crime against my trade. There are many things I hold back in this blog because it is in the public domain but January was very stressful and I had many difficult challenges. 

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex stepped down from their royal roles this month. I feel like the press took Princes Diana's cane out of the cupboard and used it on Meghan, they scrutinized everything she said and did and it was almost like being back in the 90s again. The Queen has enough on her plate already to deal with, I feel like the queen is another granny to me, I would feel sad to see the end of her rule one day. 

Now I stand here trying to get to the happy zone. The place where I overcome my challenges and have a better life style. I hope that God forgives me for being difficult and questioning everything. 

Thursday, 30 January 2020

walking forward

I made it through Jacob's spring, my son was born in the middle of Spring, in the Middle of the Day, In the Middle of Buckinghamshire. A stressful week it was for me. 

I made it through the damp political winter of 2019. If you're confused about the reason for the verdict I would suggest you superimpose the 2016 brexit polarity map over 2019 snap election map, they fit together like a glove on a hand. 

Now the scary January of 2020 has come to an end. Viruses and threats of trade embargoes loom on the horizon.  Will I see clearly when the rain has gone? Will I see all obstacles in my way? Will I see a bright bright sun shiny day? 

I don't know 

Will I leave the gray zone and reach the Happy zone. I don't know, for Jake's sake I hope so. The happy zone (thinking deeply). Feeling free to do your hobbies properly and live without material worries. 

Wednesday, 29 January 2020

Isaac paradox

When I would read the Bible I would have a dislike for the people written in there because I feel that they are unfair and their nature is so different to mine. One person I didn't like was Isaac, he had twins and he liked one more than the other. He liked Esau more than Jacob and wanted Esau to have all the blessings and Jacobs decedent's to be Esau's servants. This is against my nature because if I had twins I would not have a favourite. I would love both of them the same because they are my children. I would not want one of them to have decendents that are servants for the other kids decendents. 

Also, he was upset that Esau Married a Hittite wife, the Hittites were a tribe that live in Turkey and Syria. He judged Esau's wife before he knew anything about her. That is not fair. There are people like that today, they would make conclusions about people without knowing them. I know that people see me walking past and they would never think I wrote this blog because they think the way I think is different. They judge me without knowing anything about me. 

They think I am obsessed with football and go out binge drinking. The truth is I hate football, I don't go binge drinking. My main drinks are water and coffee. I work hard and I like to read and I'm not violent. I have a head full of questions and machines that don't work. My mind is little world. 

Well, it is written that God resists the proud so God must see these people have a humble heart and he overlooks their flaws. Many of the people in the Bible are very flawed but perhaps they have a good humble heart and are willing to cooperate. 

I don't know... There is so much I don't know. 

A hug for China

Earlier in the month, a gentle cousin of the Sars Corona Virus simply called New Corona virus emerged from Wohan city in China. It has been giving my Brothers and Sisters in the east a hard time. They claim it came from Bats, those creatures are very clean but they get about a lot and pick up all sorts of infections. 

I am very impressed by the robust response from the Chinese people. They literally built an extra hospital to deal with infected in less than a week and mapped the virus genes very quickly. I believe they also managed to quarantine the entire city within a day. I wish them luck to make a vaccine. 

I send them all a hug but only on this blog for now. I already caught the flu and don't want any more viruses. 

A salute and a medal for my Brothers and Sisters in the East.

Monday, 27 January 2020

Virus of January

The Corona virus is going around the world, I think it kills just over 2 percent of the infected hosts. If you knew someone that was killed by a virus and is angry at God then I would like to point something out. 

Viruses keep the world in order. They kill vast swarms of bacteria in the ocean that produce methane and toxic sludge. If there were no viruses, the Earth would turn into a toxic lifeless oven that is a lot like Venus.  I would also like to point out that your life is short, that is they way it was from the beginning. From the day you were born you were given just a brief life that will end and every being in this world dies eventually. I often wonder what is beyond that. Oblivion? Reserection? Punishment? Bliss? I don't know. 

All I know is I try to make every day count. I try to be happy and be grateful. Perhaps this world is just the best possible outcome for an imperfect world, set up to be as happy and loving as possible without being self destructive. I can only ask because I don't have the answers. 

Saturday, 25 January 2020

Lemon Valley

In the past I bought a thing called a useless box; it was a box with a mechanical finger that comes out and turns itself off when it is turned on. It eventually broke and became useless at being useless. That is the only double negative I know of that stays negative. 

In my little world there is a place for my broken useless box. It is called Lemon Valley, a place inside my head that I keep machines that don't work. I create machines inside my head then think that they don't work then leave them in Lemon Valley and look at them again to see if they can be modified to work. 
One example is a machine that is supposed to take heat from the air and generate electricity. It works by taking a fluid that has all the oxygen removed from it and iron dissolved in it. The fluid is poured it into a tube lined with magnets. The falling fluid drags the magnetic fields around in a swirling path into copper coils underneath. The fluid itself becomes cooler because the magnetic field restricts the particles movement in the fluid. The cooled fluid creates negative air pressure in the outer pipe and that causes air to rush in, which pushes a turbine that pumps the fluid back up again. The problem is that the energy from the air flowing in would be less than then energy to pump the fluid back up to the top again. To cut a long story short, I am certain it wouldn't work. 

The process of trying to make machines inside my head takes the fire of stress out of my belly because it displaces the bad thoughts. When I was waiting for my son to be born I was very afraid and felt helpless but this process helped me to get through it. That is why I am sharing it with you. This whole blog is a gift from me to humanity because that is my reason for living, it is to give with love to all without expecting anything in return. 

Friday, 24 January 2020

EU rope is cut.

Well, It looks like the United Kingdom of Great Britain will finally leave the European Union. I feel afraid slightly because I don't know what will happen after that. 

I don't know if we will be driven into poverty or grow or stay the same for a while. I have no idea. 

I don't know if everything will be ok for the Brits that are on the continent, I don't know if the Europeans that live in the UK will be ok. I know nothing. 

I don't really think about it much because I have no control over what will happen. You probably know more than me because you are reading this blog after the end of January and beyond. 

The Corona virus is still surging outward to other places and infecting thousands of people. There is so little that I know, I hope they can make a vaccine for it. 

Thursday, 23 January 2020

China Virus

A biological virus has imerged from China, it is called the Corona virus. It attacks the respiratory system of humans and gives them fever. A small number people are killed by the virus. Perhaps one day a virus will put me to sleep in this world, for some reason I imagined myself dying peacefully on the toilet in my old age waiting for the stuff to drop. Or maybe Jesus will come and take me away to a world of bliss. I don't know what will happen in the future. 

To me it is ironic that viruses give life and take life. They kill microbes in the ocean that would turn the whole planet into a toxic place. A swarm of viruses kill all those bacteria that fill the water with waste. But they also kill us from time to time. I have certainly had plenty of respiratory viruses myself. 

What will happen in the future? I don't know. 

Wednesday, 22 January 2020

Road Rage

One thing social media is very good at is making people angry. Being the person I am, I do the opposite, I make people feel less angry and I dilute all the things in this world that are corrupting people's minds. This hobby is my most constructive hobby because it takes people on a boat ride to placid waters. It walks people on a sea pier to the sunset side by side with a saxophone player. Will this blog turn the gray rain purple and shine through the darkness? I don't know, all I know is if you don't like what I write then don't read it and if you don't like what I draw then don't look at it. No need to be upset. 

Road Rage videos make people feel angry and normally involve cyclists so I drew a little bit of my world that solves this problem. 
I drew a bicycle subway. The cyclist rides their bike under the road. The bike subway keeps the rain out of their hair and wind out of their face and the angry driver out of their space. The bike subway has extra soft bike roads made from ground up car tyres. The cyclist enters the subway through ramps that are present on certain parts of the street. The walls of the subway are metallic reflective panels, many dim LED lights are strong enough to light up the whole place because the walls and ceiling reflect the light all around. 

In my little world, being a cyclist is wonderful. 

Monday, 20 January 2020

Knife Crime

Very often I hear the news on my radio  and I find out that another Brit has been stabbed. As an ordinary man I understand what is happening. Young people are being sold the gangster lifestyle because the cost of living in the UK is too high so being a gangster is a way out of mediocrity.
The trouble is that it doesn't end well because it comes with a ready made turf war. The outcome of the war is someone gets stabbed or shot. 

It is like Dorothy the door to door, door salesman. She will knock on doors and ask people if they want to buy a door and they will say no thanks I have one already and gets a door closed in her face.  It doesn't end well for her. 


James the bond investment advisor for a failing bank. He looses his job to a free investment advice panthlet. 


Gary the gangster, he stabs a rival gang member for selling contraband substances on his turf,  now he has a stab at prison porridge for the rest of his life. He is the lucky one because he is still alive.  

How do you keep the gang salesman away from the young person? How do you convince these people that it is not worth it? I don't know. I can only ask the Question.

Sunday, 19 January 2020


A few decades ago I came across a Nintendo Wii game called the conduit. It was made by Sega for Nintendo. In my opinion it had the look an feel of the X box game called Halo but the Nintendo network was free. 

Basically you run around in first person perspective as if you were looking through a person's eyes and you would shoot or throw grenades at people. I remember there being six maps to choose from and at least 4 weapon sets. 

The network for that game is gone now, what a shame. 

Saturday, 18 January 2020

Brown Dwarf thought

There is a type of celestial object called a Brown Dwarf. A Brown Dwarf is object that is half way between a star and a planet. There is a very blurry line between a Brown Dwarf and a Red Dwarf. A Red Dwarf is a true star but is the smallest type. Brown Dwarfs are not quite fully working stars, there isn't persistent nuclear fusion in the object's core. 

I was wondering if planet nine was actually a Brown or small red dwarf like object. Although Red Dwarfs make their own light, they are very dim and the smaller ones are very hard to see even with powerful telescopes.  We know that planet nine is out there orbiting our sun and we know it is very big because it is affecting commets over very large distances but we have never seen it and don't know what it is like. 

I imagined a Large Jupiter sized planet with an Earth sized planet  as a moon orbiting it, compared to a Brown Dwarf Jupiter is tiny. Brown Dwarfs and red Dwarfs are huge. 

There is so much mystery out there. This is what I was thinking about today. Just wondering what is out there in deep space. 

Friday, 17 January 2020

Two future predictions

Some of the sci-fi novels that I read in the past predicted that space flight and humanoid robots and flying cars would be a common sight by 2020. They were quite wrong, there isn't any of those things. There are some humanoid robots but they don't walk amoungst the people on the street. 

This has given me the confidence to make two predictions of my own for the near future. 

1) New Microbes will kill many people. They will overcome antibiotics and become a huge menace to all people on earth and cause people to avoid non essential surgeries. 
2) There will be a mass psychotic episode, millions of people will become aggressive and attack the authorities. They will be almost like deranged zombies and no one will know why except for me. (Prolonged life long stress and social isolation will make people flip into insanity on a large scale). 

Thursday, 16 January 2020

Ramps galore

In my little world there is no place for stairs. Ramps are everywhere instead. I designed a car park inside my head and it is very hard to describe it in writing but to cut a long story short I would say the entire car park is one single ramp and it eventually resembles some kind of helter skelter structure where the boundary between each floor is not clear only you are above the layer of parked cars below so you know you are on a level.  

In my little world there is also a thing called a show-bow. A show-bow is a road roundabout with a ramp on one or more sides that raises up 1.3 meters and looks like a large smooth speed bump. It is there because a walk way also drops down 1.5 meters below it so there is a small walkway that leads to the middle of the roundabout that is 2.5 meters of head space. There is a spiralling ramp in the middle of the roundabout that leads to a subway train station. The spiralling ramp looks like a helter skelter double helix type structure, similar to the twisted rungs of DNA. No escalators are needed at all, not even to go up. The ramp is shallow enough that people can walk up or down it.

Ninth world

I was a kid in the nineties in the previous millennium. It is a different world back then. One thing that would have caused me confusion is if I had told the nineties version of myself that NASA found evidence of a 9th planet. 

You see in the nineties Pluto was still considered to be a planet and was the 9th planet. At the end of the nineties astronomers changed their perspective of Pluto because it is smaller than our moon and smaller than objects in space that behave like commets so in the following decade they officially reclassified pluto as a dwarf planet. 

Quite a lot of people were not happy but there are so many objects that are a similar size to Pluto that it make the solar system map very messy. Ceres, Sedna and Iris are just a few of the objects along with Pluto that are considered to be Dwarf Planets. If our moon wasn't orbiting earth it would have been called a Dwarf Planet as well. 

Well going back to the Nineth planet, they know it exists because it has pulled a bunch of commets into a very oliptical orbit and they are all pointing in the same area of sky. It is believed that this planet is a giant world but so far away that it may take years to find it. 

Good luck to them 

Wednesday, 15 January 2020

Royal heat

A lot of heavy stuff has been happening in the Royal family in recent days. I wish them all well. I don't really think about it much. I am optimistic that the queen can remain in a good healthy state long enough for my young son to remember her dynasty as his own, he is still an infant at the moment. 
I have nothing against Meghan or Harry I'm sure that being Duke and Duchess is no easy task. I wouldn't want to be a duke myself. I don't like people judging me. Even as an ordinary man people Judge me and I don't like it. They don't know me and it is not fair really, that is humans for you. 


I would say, try to keep your chin up. The best therapy in this world is being creative and I share that philosophy diligently on this blog. When I work for ten hours then four hours back to back from night till late morning I turn to my creative nature to sooth my burning feet and boredom. Having a creative mind that can make you feel happy is a gift from God and there is a little world inside my head that helps me get through the day. For that gift I am grateful because it is so wonderful. 

Monday, 13 January 2020

Shooting Muting

When I was a young man I would go to amusement parks and play on the shooting gallery. They had a charming way of working, let me explain. 

There would be rifles nested on fixed tripods that can be swiveled in any direction. The rifles don't actually shoot anything but they jerk back slightly when the trigger is pressed to give the sensation of a bullet being fired. I believe they shine an invisible Lazer bean out of their turret instead when the trigger is pressed. If you hit the little bull's-eye target you would get a mechanical reaction. Sometimes it would be cheesy, for instance there would be an animatronic man and next  his head is a target. If you hit the target he would shout "hey, watch where you tooting that thing varmin". 

There would be a target next to a barrel and if you shoot it,a dog would pop up and bark at you. Some of the things would even squirt water at you. 

Lots of fun those things were. 

The man cave

In my little world there is a large room filled with toys for men. A pool table, table tennis table, football table, air hockey table and big screen with games table. 

It comes and goes in layers in my head like the water of a surf zone. It starts out as a plain room then the devices are added then the bar is formed. 
The man cave decorations and theme changes all the time. Sometimes it is a small museum about something I am interested in at that time.  other times it is a tribute to retro gaming. The bar table also has small game systems with small screens. It could be set up as a fake space ship with fake windows to a space Scape of a planet outside. Other times the theme is fish and the place is set up as an aquarium but the toys in the room never change. 

The man cave room somes up who I am, a big kid that lives to play and learn. I have no agendas or hate, no big ego. Just want to make a happy place to play. 

There are three ways this room can become real... One I find 10 men that are just like me and we rent a small hall continuously and build the room like that. The other way is to have a house that has a spare room. Or build one on virtual reality. 

Saturday, 11 January 2020

Ignorance everywhere

A very common characteristic of humans is that they are very ignorant. I can give you some examples. 

I am vegetarian and my wife is not. If we eat out, the waiter always assumes that my wife is the vegetarian and they have a confused look on their face when I tell them that the vegetarian dish is for me not her. They don't bother to ask me they just give me the dish with the meat in it. That is ignorance. 

I went for a job interview once and on the application form it asked me for my hobbies, why I don't know but I wrote, writing blogs and drawing pictures with pens
Well, when I got to the interview the man asked me what my real hobbies are. I said they are my hobbies. I love to write entries in my blog and draw detailed pictures with just ink pens. The manager went red in the face and said don't lie to me. You don't need to impress me. I said that is my two main hobbies. 

A black man that I knew told me he hates rap music and someone asked him what rap music he likes, he said that rap music is not music to him it is noise. The person asking would not  accept that he hates rap music. He said you're black all black people love rap music. The man replied, I don't and I am black. 

Anyway when a person is persistently ignorant about something then the best thing is to give short answers and ignor them. Yes or no. That is it, don't waste your vocal cords on people that embrace ignorance. 

Friday, 10 January 2020

cold night

Jacob my son, it is a very cold night. If you are ever treated in a cold way by any person or ostracized in any way then always remember that it is their loss because you are the gem stone, you are the pillar in the temple. You are the stone in the hillside. 

You are probably a man of integrity, I would certainly expect that you are honest and polite, I gave you a middle name that means to be polite. 

Don't try to appease them or please them. Just let them go. Every person on Earth gets the cold treatment from time to time. 

Thursday, 9 January 2020

Iran and USA

The 20s decade has not started very well. There is huge tension between the East and West. Saudi Arabia doesn't like Iran and Iran doesn't like Saudi Arabia. They have also aligned themselves to east and west super powers and there has been some ballistic exchanges between Iran and the USA. I have no opinion about other states and any Tensions they may have. All I will say is that we live on a giant Sphere.  

On a Sphere there is no East or West unless you draw a line on it and state that one side of the the line is east and the other side is west. Ordinary people like me are not interested in war. If an American or Iranian came to my home as a guest I would pour them both a nice cup of coffee or Tea and break bread with them and wish them a happy and healthy future. 

May the will of the ordinary man be the one that is granted. 

Wednesday, 8 January 2020

On the house Lexia

In my little world there is a thing called an on the house Lexia attack. This is how it works. 

I stated earlier in the week that I had created a hotel and resort in my head while I do my repetitive and boring job. Well in the hotel rooms there is a fake window, at first it looks like the outside but when you look closely it is actually an on suite sitting room. The wall of the sitting room is bright white and there are projectors that project a fake skyline on the wall. The carpet of the sitting room is green astro turf.  Directly behind the window is a couch and next to the couch is a jacuzzi. When they look out the window they are looking into a sitting room that is disguised as the outside. There is a cupboard door in the corner of the room and when you open it, you find it is not a cupboard but actually a door to the ensuite sitting room and you find yourself on the other side of the window looking into the hotel room. The projector that projects the skyline turns into a TV projector at the press of a button and the side walls are large mirrors to make the effect look real. When guests come to the rooms they are not told that they get an ensuite sitting room with a jacuzzi so they are shocked and then they call the customer services to say they have made a mistake but the customer services says no it is not a mistake it is on the house. Then some of the guests have an "on the house lexic attack" they become like neo in the matrix when he discovers his whole life is a fake computer simulation. They have trouble breathing properly and fall on the floor for a short time. 

I tell you, my head is full of bizzar things like this. 

Tuesday, 7 January 2020

Super resort

Created a thing in my head called a super resort. It is basically a large hotel building but it is dressed up as a hill with glass panels outside of it so it is isolated from the elements such as rain and wind and you could walk on the top of it the same way the Teletubbies walk on the mound above their home, but on a much bigger scale plus if it is raining, you are inside a large glassy dome. 

At the bottom of the hill is a fake sea or large lake with a beach on it and a wave machine and it looks like you are at sea but you are not. 

I would call it Mount Britain or Planet Blighty, or both. It would be in the middle of nowhere but coaches would come and take people to the nearby cities of the UK then when they come back they can enjoy all the leisure of the resort I will share some of that later in future posts. 

I mentioned earlier that I designed a hotel inside my head while I do my boring work. There is nothing in this world as soothing and uplifting as a walk in your own imagination world and letting it free to create at will. This is one of the best things about being a human I think. 

Locusts of the Abyss

In the Christian book of Revelation it states that an Angel will open the gate to the bottomless pit and release a vast swam of locusts to punish mankind. 

These Locusts are not normal Locusts, it states that they have the face of a man, the hair of a woman, the body of a horse, the sting of a scorpion and they have metal armour. It states that they cause immense pain to all people on Earth the are not shielded by God. 

What are these Locusts? I imagined that they are machines because they are wearing metal plates. Or maybe they are plagues or natural disasters. 

I often wonder what it is trying to tell me.. are they actually locusts, are they pain machines, viruses? I have no idea. 

Saturday, 4 January 2020

Car park

If I was to make a car park I would make the parking lanes slanted slightly so the cars pulling in could park easily while driving forward then when they pull out they would drive forward again to an exit lane that is shared by the same lane taking the U bend. Hard to describe on a blog and this hobby doesn't get air time for scetches. It is just fitted into a small break window. Look at it this way, imagine the lower case letter n is the driving lane in the car park, the lanes are in the middle of the  "n" and there is a line in the middle, that is the exit lane. There are multiple n shape drive lanes so it is repeated row by row. 

It is nice to think that mabe someone is looking for a way to exploit me or get me fired from my job or something like that and they end up reading through all this tosh. If the boring nature of my blog makes you feel suicidal then don't blame me, I didn't force you to read it. 

Friday, 3 January 2020

Hotel thought

I am a ordinary man and I do a very boring job so to get though the night, I go into my own little world. 

I wondered what a resort would look like if it was created by me. More specifically today I wondered what a hotel in the resort would look like. 

The hotel I designed would look like this... all the rooms in the hotel would have no bins, they would have holes in the wall to push rubbish into them, the holes would lead to chutes that drop all the way down in to the basement where there are large hopper bins. There would be hidden cupboards in each room that is used by room service. The cupboards open at the back and at the front so the room service people don't need to carry any supplies in the morning. They can refill the cupboards without going into the room because the back of the cupboards can be opened from the hall way at night. There is also a chute next to the cupboards for used towels and bed sheets which also leads to the basement. Clean sheets, towels and beverages are placed in the special cupboard during the night time from the hall way then in the day time the room service use their key and open the room service cupboard in the room and place the sheets on the bed and fresh towels on the bathroom racks and they don't need to carry anything and they don't need to change any bins because there is no bins. They place the used cups and spoons in the special cupboard and a man with a trolly opens the back of the cupboard from the hall. The only thing carried by the room service is a vacuum cleaner strapped to their back. The rooms are very well lit and spacious. Unfortunately I am writing this blog on my break time with one hand while I eat with the other so I don't have time to describe the details of how the hotel operates and how it looks. 

That is just a small glimps of what happens in my hotel in my head. 

Thursday, 2 January 2020

strange thoughts

If you read my blogs you will know I am just an ordinary man but I have  coping mechanisms in my head that allow me to deal with all the hard things in my reality and many people would likely find this to be very strange. 

Today while I was doing my boring repetitive job for close to 10 hours I was thinking about folding devices that can be used to lift a person off the ground. It is like a box that unfolds into a drone that can lift the weight of a person off the ground and carry them to where they want to go. I was wondering how to make the propeller blades and how it could be made more efficient. 

I was thinking how it would conceal the person from the elements such as wind and rain without making itself too heavy. I was also thinking about how the device could be as light as possible. 

The point is , one of the most soothing things in this world is your own imagination. A little world inside a world, an island in the mind. 

Wednesday, 1 January 2020

Calm Night

Jacob, My son. 
I often wonder what the 20s and 30s decades will mean to you. I have no idea what will happen in the future, I don't even know if I will still be alive by that time. Forgive me for thinking that way but it was a part of my reality, I had to deal with tradgedy at the age of six and that changed the way I looked at life permanently. I see life as a temporary waiting room to the next life and I don't know what the next life is. 

All I know for certain is that if our world stays in tact then you will be a kid in the 20s and a Juvenile in 30s finishing that decade as a young man and you have spent half your infancy in 2019 surrounded by the chaos of uncertainty as all the Brits came to terms with their changing world. 

I know my parents very well because I talk to them every day but I know very little about most of my ancestors because they didn't leave behind written record of their thoughts. I am leaving many written records and the way I think is very clear to anyone that reads it, although I hold back a lot my thoughts and emotions because this blog is on the public domain and people around the world can see it. But you still get a good idea about the way I think because it is there in plain sight. 

What December 2019 means to me

It is January 2020 now, some of the sci-fi books I read in the past made tall predictions for the 2020s decade so I was expecting robots to be walking among us by this time, and flying cars and things like that. 

There was very little frost during December 2019 and it rained for about two thirds of the time. Many of the rivers in England surged very hard and some of them overflowed slightly. Throughout December Australia's bush lands were on fire because of a prolonged drought. It is very clear that we are changing the climate slightly. Every part of the Earth has changed a bit and people noticed it in 2019. If Antarctica's ice melts too much then we will find ourselves flooded for good. Plus we could turn the planet into an oven trapping more and more heat until the planet resembles Venus. 

December 2019 was the most damp and political December I have ever seen. Here in the UK we had a snap election to break the Brexit Deadlock. In America Donald Trump was impeached and will face a trial very soon to decide if he can remain the president. I actually got sick of all the politics and started to read other things more like Wikipedia and e books about the afterlife and things like that. 

This December was my son's first Christmas, I have become determined to give my son many happy memories. We took lots of pictures and celebrated my parents 25 wedding anniversary in South reading in a nice little hotel. 

Now... I wonder what the 20s will be like. Will my son have a wonderful childhood? Will I provide my son and wife with a decent life style and give them a good life? What will the 20s mean to Jacob and what will he think of it all when he is 10 years old and a senior student in primary school preparing for the 2030s where he will spend his juvenile years. What will the 20s mean to the Booths.  
I pray for happyness and good health. 

Blog Archive

What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...