Wednesday, 29 January 2020

A hug for China

Earlier in the month, a gentle cousin of the Sars Corona Virus simply called New Corona virus emerged from Wohan city in China. It has been giving my Brothers and Sisters in the east a hard time. They claim it came from Bats, those creatures are very clean but they get about a lot and pick up all sorts of infections. 

I am very impressed by the robust response from the Chinese people. They literally built an extra hospital to deal with infected in less than a week and mapped the virus genes very quickly. I believe they also managed to quarantine the entire city within a day. I wish them luck to make a vaccine. 

I send them all a hug but only on this blog for now. I already caught the flu and don't want any more viruses. 

A salute and a medal for my Brothers and Sisters in the East.

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