Wednesday, 8 January 2020

On the house Lexia

In my little world there is a thing called an on the house Lexia attack. This is how it works. 

I stated earlier in the week that I had created a hotel and resort in my head while I do my repetitive and boring job. Well in the hotel rooms there is a fake window, at first it looks like the outside but when you look closely it is actually an on suite sitting room. The wall of the sitting room is bright white and there are projectors that project a fake skyline on the wall. The carpet of the sitting room is green astro turf.  Directly behind the window is a couch and next to the couch is a jacuzzi. When they look out the window they are looking into a sitting room that is disguised as the outside. There is a cupboard door in the corner of the room and when you open it, you find it is not a cupboard but actually a door to the ensuite sitting room and you find yourself on the other side of the window looking into the hotel room. The projector that projects the skyline turns into a TV projector at the press of a button and the side walls are large mirrors to make the effect look real. When guests come to the rooms they are not told that they get an ensuite sitting room with a jacuzzi so they are shocked and then they call the customer services to say they have made a mistake but the customer services says no it is not a mistake it is on the house. Then some of the guests have an "on the house lexic attack" they become like neo in the matrix when he discovers his whole life is a fake computer simulation. They have trouble breathing properly and fall on the floor for a short time. 

I tell you, my head is full of bizzar things like this. 

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