Wednesday, 29 January 2020

Isaac paradox

When I would read the Bible I would have a dislike for the people written in there because I feel that they are unfair and their nature is so different to mine. One person I didn't like was Isaac, he had twins and he liked one more than the other. He liked Esau more than Jacob and wanted Esau to have all the blessings and Jacobs decedent's to be Esau's servants. This is against my nature because if I had twins I would not have a favourite. I would love both of them the same because they are my children. I would not want one of them to have decendents that are servants for the other kids decendents. 

Also, he was upset that Esau Married a Hittite wife, the Hittites were a tribe that live in Turkey and Syria. He judged Esau's wife before he knew anything about her. That is not fair. There are people like that today, they would make conclusions about people without knowing them. I know that people see me walking past and they would never think I wrote this blog because they think the way I think is different. They judge me without knowing anything about me. 

They think I am obsessed with football and go out binge drinking. The truth is I hate football, I don't go binge drinking. My main drinks are water and coffee. I work hard and I like to read and I'm not violent. I have a head full of questions and machines that don't work. My mind is little world. 

Well, it is written that God resists the proud so God must see these people have a humble heart and he overlooks their flaws. Many of the people in the Bible are very flawed but perhaps they have a good humble heart and are willing to cooperate. 

I don't know... There is so much I don't know. 

Blog Archive

What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...