Tuesday, 5 September 2023

Doing stuff

I'm older than the internet. Before the internet was around people would scroll through newspapers; they were lots of stories printed on cheap beige low grade paper. On those papers was everything in society in a nutshell. The sports progress, some puzzles, business news, jobs and lots of news articles. 

My Dad taught me how to solve the logical puzzles in the newspaper, sudoku was around but it didn't appear in British newspapers until recent years, not sure why. My Dad is a great guy because he showed me how to manage life, he taught me things you don't learn in school like how to manage stress and be more confident. 
My mind would go to so many places; a recent thought I had was the PAC man game is set in a 2D dungeon. PAC man is forever trapped in that place and would never know there is another world beyond his own. 

Thanks to my Dad, I know that solving a puzzle can help manage stress. Being human means having a cruel imagination, thinking about scenarios that would cause grief if they really happened. We need to do things to clear our head and keep our mind in a good place. I'm grateful for my father showing me a better way to be. Even now I'm thinking of subscribing to a puzzle magazine. 

Blog Archive

What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...