Saturday, 2 September 2023

What August 2023 Means To Me

The whole month of August is School holiday period for Britain. I learned not long ago that is has to do with the harvest season, most produce in the UK is harvested in August so kids would be sent home help their parents harvest crops. My family went on a short break during August by the coast, the weather was very pleasant. 

During this month, wild fires were breaking out in the wilderness throughout the world. There was a dry spell everywhere, a small ignition was enough to cause an entire forest to burn up; I thought to myself that some of the fires were caused by human activity like arsonists and irresponsible campers. Perhaps a few greedy property developers as well. 
The former President of the United States of America was summoned to court and indicted of various crimes related  to vote tampering and insightment to overturn a democratic result. I wondered if the American high court would have taken Trump to court if he wasn't standing for elections in 2024. I think they're trying to stop him from standing as a candidate. 

During the second half of August, the Indian Space Research Organisation IRSO, send a robotic probe near to the moon's south pole. It was called Chandrayaan 3 ("charn dra Yarn"). India is the first nation to send a probe to moon's south pole. 
They used a rocket that works in a similar way to the space shuttle and Artemis systems. The rocket has two solid booster rockets that detach when they're empty and a lower section that also detaches. The probe itself has a spectrometer camera that looks at light transmitted from plasma and laser to zap rocks so they briefly turn to plasma. The thing can tell what the stuff on the moon's surface is made of. So far they have detected a lot of sulphur and silicone, chemicals that are found in common basalt type rocks. 

I think they're looking for ice and things like that. 

Let's see what they find... 

Blog Archive

What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...