Saturday, 2 September 2023

Special Stations

I have knowledge of the special  train stations  where different  lines  share platforms; you wouldn't need to walk very far to get the next train. 

The nearest part of London to me is Uxbridge. If London were a clock face, Uxbridge would be 10 o clock on the north west edge of the clock. Uxbridge station is special because the deep level picadilly trains and the metropolitan line trains both go there on the same track and same platforms. 
Finchley road is a golden station because the trains that are heading in the same direction share the same platform side by side, if I wanted to get off a east bound metropolitan train and catch a eastbound Jubilee train, I would just step off and the catch the train from the same platform. Also westward, all the branches of the metropolitan west bound trains and the west bound jubilee trains go to the same platform. 

Kings Cross is cool because it is sheltered from the elements and the Hammersmith and metropolitan trains come to the same platform, I think the circle line trains go there also. Going west, only the Uxbridge branch of the metropolitan line train goes there but that's fine because you can just step off at Finchley road and get an amersham or Watford train on the same platform.

Mile end is similar, the Hammersmith and Central lines run side by side. Different platforms but you can step across without walking much. 

Perhaps I should draw a map for tourists so they can travel on the metro rail without walking very much. I would call it special station map. 

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