Tuesday, 26 September 2023

Ules Pollution?

I was wondering if the Ules zone is actually causing more air pollution instead of reducing it. I can't say it does, that would be a lie because I have no proof, but I think it does.
Since the start of September, I have noticed very heavy congestion coming from the M40 slip road that intersects with the M25; as far as I can see going all the way down to Hillingdon and on the other side going back to Beaconsfield, all queuing to join the M25. Some of the vehicles are using the M25 for logistical reasons others are using the M25 to avoid Ules. If all those thousands of vehicles are idling and moving slow, wouldn't they be polluting more? 
I saw a message from a fortune cookie in a Chinese meal the other day, it reminds me of those Zoltar machines. Zoltar machines are charming life sized dolls that sit in a box and they quote wise words and try to tell you what will happen in the future. They print out a card with a parable about your near future, I don't believe it, it's just a toy really. 

Blog Archive

What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...