Monday, 30 September 2019

What September 2019 means to me

It is October now, mid autumn. The clocks go backwards one hour in the last week of this month. I will see if any frost comes before then. It is hard to believe we will be in a new decade in 3 months time.

September seemed to go by very fast. My son Jacob changed quite a lot. He is bigger, more stubborn and more determined to learn about the world. Having an infant child is a bit like holding a Polaroid picture when it has just come out of the camera. You wait and observe them but never know what they will be like until some time has passed by.

I got an old school radio and used it when cleaning.  Throughout this month I worked hard, labouring through the night and trading in the morning, parenting in the afternoon and sleeping in the evening.

I had two weeks of and used the time to rest and create many things. I even created and edited a documentary video on my phone for you tube.

If I was to coin a name for this season, I would call it the autumn of fear because the world around us is changing very fast, much of the high Street retail is crumbling away, Thomas cook went bankrupt and closed down and some others on the continent went also and my country is having a geopolitical divorce with it's nearby trading block, no one knows what will happen when the agreement is reached; we could stay the same or be driven into poverty or do well. No one knows, not even the experts. 

What is in store for the 20s decade? I will try to record history from my point of view as truthfully as possible and be a reliable source of history for generations to come.

Sunday, 29 September 2019

Electric travel

I don't know if it was just me but I thought that electric cars would be cheaper than fuel cars.

I mean, there is no cooling system, no clutch, no device to turn fuel into an aerosol spray, no spark plugs no exhaust pipe, no fuel pump, no fan...

You get the idea.

The engine of an electric car is just an electric motor and batteries, that's it.

I guess it is the batteries that make it expensive because they use lithium, one of the strangest metals that I know of.. Lithium floats on water and also burns up when it touches water, yet it is a metal. A rare metal that is expensive and hard to work with.

If a better and cheaper battery system is invented then the world will change very quickly, cheap electric cars will become normal.

Saturday, 28 September 2019

Heat in the house

If they placed the ectoplasm from Ghostbusters 2 movie inside parliament this week, it would have smothered the royal mace and turned it into a pipe bomb.

Tempers were very high and explosive. I think the little hope I had they would cooperate as a chamber is gone. They will continue to discredit  and shout at each other for the remainder of this decade.

I don't know what the 20s decade will be like but the last 3 months of this decade are set out for all to see.

Friday, 27 September 2019

Greta Thunberg

The Swedish teenaged activist Greta Thunberg is very angry with the world leaders for choosing profit and growth over the environment. Her face looks like she wants kill someone. I think she needs to drink some English tea and look at the other side of things, the Swedish tea isn't as good as the English one.

In my view, carbon dioxide and methane are gasses that are good at trapping heat and heating up the Earth and there is a big hazard of causing a global disaster, but I think that they will run out. There is a limited amount of natural gas and crude oil on Earth. When the oil runs out then the problem is fixed. Am I the only person that thinks this way? I see the prices rising all the time and there is an economic pressure for people like me to get more efficient vehicles or electric ones. Very soon all cars will be powered by electricity. Hopefully I will be able to afford one in the near future.

Thursday, 26 September 2019

Alan triangle

I am a boat heading for placid waters and my placid waters are constructive. I create small media beacons that float out onto the public domain for all in the world to see.

I like to think that my creations are like a gentle stream that is diluting all the poisonous things in this world. The news articles that make people angry, the violent videos and the dirty imagery. At the same time balancing out my triangle, the code I follow for long term prosperity. Work, trade and creativity.

Last week I created a short documentary video entirely on my phone. The microphone on my phone is very bad so I used an app to amplify the sound. The video wasn't quite as good as I wanted it to be but it I am making progress.

Very slowly and gently my creations are gathering their own gravity and pulling in people from around the world to a chilled gentle world of a boat heading for placid waters.

Referendum tosh

If there was a referendum to choose whether we electrify the existing railways or build a high speed railway to the west country, I wouldn't respect it. I would think that what ever I choose, parliament will do what it wants.

If I choose to electrify the existing networks, the wife of the diesel engine corporation's director would take the government to court for neglecting the Cornish and the MPs that want more high speed tracks built would try to block any  electrification contracts being signed.

If I chose to build the high speed railway then the Welsh would claim that is not fair because they are more important than the Cornish and people of Devon yet don't have a high speed railway. Anyway, there would be a deadlock and some MPs would try to make a second referendum because they think I didn't know what I was doing the first time. Even if they promise to implement my vote in writing.

I will never respect a referendum again. But I will vote anyway because I value my insight. I will stand and deliver and laugh at any promises concerning my verdict and walk away to continue my daily toils.

Monday, 23 September 2019

Thomas cooked

I considered myself to be a doubting Thomas as I aged but there is no doubt now that Thomas Cook holiday company is gone.

I put some of the blame on the internet and some on poor investment decisions made by the company. The internet certainly played a big role in the destruction of the company.

Blockbuster video rental company went bankrupt because of internet video streaming. When you think about it, you can say that machines are already putting thousands of people out of work throughout the world. Machines create jobs but I think they destroy more jobs than they create. I see many politicians claiming the opposite but they are out of touch with the community. They are good at promoting themselves but fail help anyone.

There are still politicians in my country that don't even think there is a housing crisis. They have 10 houses and a magic bank account in a tax haven with 10 million in it so their privilege blinds them from seeing thousands of people living in their cars and families being buried in debt. I often wonder why they are getting elected? I think people should follow their local mp on Twitter and observe what they are saying. If there is a problem in your community then don't elect someone that doesn't even acknowledge the problem exists.

Sunday, 22 September 2019

Frosty aspiration

Every day I look out for the morning frost and I see if it will come at least once before the clocks go backwards on Sunday the 27th of October. I sense that the frost is nearby but doesn't quite reach the ground yet, perhaps it hangs in the air half a kilometer above the ground. Every night at about 3 am, it gets closer and closer to ground level.

The only sighns  I have that it is near is the condensation that comes on all the metallic surfaces; a fine spray of water droplets.

Anyway, it is true Autumn now, the day and night are nearly equal in length and will be so on the 27 of October and the trees are starting to sense the frost is near, they are putting their leaves out of service in a brown and yellow display.

If you are reading this blog in descending order then you probably know better than me if the morning frost came before daylight saving in 2019 in the UK. To me that is comfort that global warming hasn't taken a deadly grip on our planet yet. Silly to many but logical to me.

Saturday, 21 September 2019

Placid day

Jacob, my son. You were born in the middle of spring, in the middle of the day, in the middle of Buckinghamshire, with a middle name that means to be polite.

You are soon to be six months old. I still can't believe you are here with us. It hasn't sunk in that I am a Dad. You change a lot every 10 days. I try to imagine what you will be like when you can talk and play independently. It is hard to tell what a child will be like when they are an infant. When you reach that mile stone of being a toddler, I can observe and take note, perhaps then I will know you better.

Friday, 20 September 2019

The Abyss

When I was between the age of 5 and 10, I would look up at the night sky when I was in a big open space like a car park and feel afraid. The sky was a giant abyss that I didn't understand.

Well. The 20s decade is like that for me now. A dark unknown abyss. I have no idea what it will be like in the 20s. I see things happening now that makes me afraid but no one knows what will happen....

It approaches, a destiny that can't be seen and a destination to a strange place. A world that is out of sight and beyond awareness.

Wednesday, 18 September 2019

Brexit Truth

Back in 2016 in Britain, a lot of strange things were happening. In the spring of that year celebrities we're dying in large numbers, the weather was strange ; we were getting storms from the continent instead of ocean and we had a life changing referendum to choose our relationship with the EU.


I was already a Eurosceptic person long before the referendum, even in the previous decade when they were planning to launch the euro currency.  Not because of politicians or right wing media, no. I was a Eurosceptic because of my own observations.

I knew that the member states of the EU were all very different and big corporations take advantage of that and abuse it. I considered some of the member states to be tax Havens and saw how the multinational companies were placing their headquarters there and leaving ordinary people to pay more tax. I saw some member states with very low inflation so their work force would come here and lower the pressure of companies to raise their wages and then the government forced to raise taxes again because lower wages means less tax. I saw VAT tax grow to a staggering 20% because we can't afford to pay our civil servants.  I watched fishermen with small boats being told they could catch fish off the coast of Spain as if they could afford the diesel to get there and big trawlers taking all their fish stocks from the local coast line.

I won't go on... I will just say my vote had nothing to do with red buses or Nigel. I saw the BBC and celebrities condemn ordinary people throughout the country as mislead fools. But I was always truthful about my views long before 2016. I left my views in plain sight for all to see if they really wanted to. But no one wanted to listen. Now the politicians and media are upset.

Tuesday, 17 September 2019

5 months old

Jacob my son is five months old today. He has changed a lot since he was born. He tries to put his feet in his mouth and dances in his baby chair when he hears music. He is the only baby I know of that dances before he can walk. He also makes flapping farty sounds with his mouth.
I sense he will be a very active boy as he ages.
He grows fast. Can't believe is already nearly six months old, were did all the time go?

I can say that at the time my son was five months old,  Mr Tight Fist published his memoirs, I am very curious about his book but don't want to download it now because I know it will talk about brexit and make me feel more afraid about the near future.

If my ancestors only knew what their island homeland was like in my time! I literally moved out of London, got married and had a family while they were arguing about how to implement brexit. And my son Jacob was born in the thick of it all at the dawn of the twenties decade.

Oh, and a gold toilet was stolen earlier this week. I think some rich people have more brass than sense. What is wrong with using a plastic toilet seat? Really!!

I couldn't make it up... They say the truth sets you free. The truth is more headache right now.

Monday, 16 September 2019

Capital paradox

I describe the society I live in as a new age capitalist one. It works much like a food chain would in the natural world.

The first link in the chain is Energy and the next link is the maker and then the trader and then the Bank. This system works very well and creates prosperity. The problem is that our version of new age capitalism is corrupt.

The energy at the start of our food chain is fossil fuels, concentrated hydrocarbons that were left over from organisms that died millions of years ago. We turned our backs on all the free energy that was given to us from our star. We have turned ourself into a force of nature, displacing materials and changing the surface of the planet. If we don't change, our way of life will end as soon as the hydrocarbons are used up.

Corrupt leaders in the past submitted to lobbyists from oil companies. We need new leaders that can embrace a better way to be. It is the ordinary people like me that will gently steer them in the right direction.

Saturday, 14 September 2019

Think pink

The other day I read an article on social media about pink being used in prisons to calm down prisoners. The article claimed that the prisoners were less violent and stressed when the cells were painted pink.

In the Simpsons cartoon, the sitting room and dining room of the Simpsons house is painted pink and they also have a painting of a boat in placid water. I consider myself to be boat heading for placid waters myself and that is how I define myself. The boat heading for placid water.

Would it be a bad idea if I bought a pink lamp? Would pink light or pink paint make me a less stressed person? I don't know but I pay attention to official research.

Friday, 13 September 2019

Paranormal mystery keys

If you are into mysteries or paranormal stuff then I know all the best key words for the video platforms such as you tube.

They are...

Nde (near death experience)
Nde hell
Nde heaven

Mandela effect (theory that our time line is being changed somehow but our memories still have the old version of our reality)

Butterfly effect (theory that everything is connected and small things change the world)

Glitch in the matrix (evidence we are living in a computer simulation)

Bob Lazer (man that claims he saw and worked on crashed alien vehicles and met aliens)
Bob Lazer aliens
Bob Lazer UFO

David icke(famous conspiracy theorist)
David icke reptilians
David icke new world order
David icke aliens
New world order

Parallel worlds
Parallel universe
Extra dimension

Also the obvious...

UFO encounters
alien encounter
alien visitation

There you go... have fun on you tube or what ever platform you use for independent video makers. Leave some time to come back to my blog please. :-)

Thursday, 12 September 2019

Winslow it

I was a kid in the nineties and police academy movies were very popular back then. They started out the 80s but made loads of sequels throughout the decade and into the 90s and the free TV stations continued to show the movies long after the movies were released.

In police academy, there was a man called Lorell Jones played by Michael Winslow. He was a student officer that could make many sound effects with his mouth. I think the actor was actually able to make those sounds for real. Anyway, he would make sounds as a prank to make people think there is something wrong with a machine they are using or to make them think something was happening. He would also make those sounds for the sake of it.

There is a little bit of Winslow in me because I make sound effects when cars overtake me while I am driving at the maximum speed limit or when it is not safe. I won't say what the sound effect is though. Making sound effects with your mouth can help with unwanted anger.

Wednesday, 11 September 2019

Nice Day

Jacob, my son. People always told me that being a father changes you. That is certainly true.

Since you were born I was determined to take care of my health because I know that loosing a parent at a young age has a devastating effect on the child's life.

A child that looses a parent feels depressed very often and his personality drifts away from his peers. The child that looses a parent can become strange to others and ostracised by all the children and treated with very little respect. The whole life of the child that looses a parent is scared in a very deep way.

I work a lot harder because I want you to have a happy life and a good quality of education. I hope the 20s is better for you than the 90s was for me. I was happy with my childhood but I lacked true friends and social skills.

I want to do all the daddy things with you, taking you to outings at amusement parks and holidays, taking off your training wheels on your first bike, throwing parties on your birthday and Christmas, giving you your first pet and celebrating all your achievements and passing on all my life lessons that are not taught in school.

We are drifting closer the 20s decade every day and there is barely a third of a year left. We will see what the 20s is like soon.


Tuesday, 10 September 2019

Fake friends

I feel afraid of automation and flexible robots that may take our jobs but there is a gem in the chaos.

You see, I could have robot friends. They would have all the qualities I like in friends. They would be available on tap. They could be hooked up to an encyclopedia and tell you loads of interesting facts all day long and they would lack the desire to exploit you for their own benefit. Plus, you could have 3 robots and they could be a part of your crew.

I could go out to the golf course with them and then the bowling alley and then to my man cave and play pool and table tennis. The whole time the robots could be telling me stuff. They could say "hey Al, did you know that the Capital city of  Ireland is Dublin". I would say "yes, tell me more about Dublin". The Robot would then tell me loads of information about Dublin. Then I would say "Thank you Shipog". I could give them silly names.

Like Shipog or Pinsoot, or Slipoop. They wouldn't care what their name is. I could say "lay down 5 "Pinsoot". Then Pinsoot would know I am talking about a hanshake. The 4 of us could have a silly hand greeting accompanied by a sound effect or made up word like "hoopa" I would slap my chest and slap my hand on their hands sideways and do a loop with the hand then slap downwards and shake my hand in the air and shout "hoopa" as a greeting that only the 4 of us use. 1 human and 3 robots. 

If one of them stops working I could be melodramatic, "Talk to me Slipoop, SLIPOOP, Slipooooop. Hold on, I will call the technicians". Then I could hold my head in my hands and say "Hang in there Slipoop".

Ah, the future....

Monday, 9 September 2019

Bob Ross

I'm not saying Jesus was like Bob Ross, but if he was I wouldn't be surprised. I recently noticed that Bob Ross is on Netflix now and I was a nineties kid so I am very familiar with his shows.

Bob Ross is very peaceful and very calm and gentle. I considered him to be the smoothest man in the world. An angry Puma could storm into his studio and he could calm it down just by talking to it and he makes painting postcard quality wildernesses look easy. Even wild animals could come to rest on the guys arm.

Anyway, I always imagined Jesus to be like Bob Ross in many ways. They would shout Lazarus is dead to Jesus and he would say "I'm just going to tell him to stop being dead, don't worry" then the guy got up. Jesus slept half way through a storm and told the storm to stop and it stopped, cool and smooth. Jesus hated violence and wars, that is why Judas betrayed him, because Judas wanted someone to fight the Roman occupiers and Jesus wasn't like that.

Jesus was the most blameless and kind and gentle man to ever live on Earth. He would have rejected all the wars on Earth, even the wars that were declared in his name. I see some of those qualities in Bob Ross.

I hope that Jesus is not angry with me for imagining that he would be a bit like Bob Ross in some ways. Or I should say Bob Ross was like Jesus in some ways. My mind is like that.

Sunday, 8 September 2019

Man and Nature

One thing I noticed throughout my existence is that nature gives mankind free gifts and mankind doesn't take them gracefully. He just takes the ones he can exploit quickly for money.

I can imagine a conversation mankind would have with nature if they are just two people in a room.

Nature: "Hi Mankind".
Mankind: "Hi Nature".
Nature: "I would like you to have cold air"
Mankind: "What would I do with cold air?"
Nature: "you can pump it into your freezer to lower the running cost every winter".
Mankind: "If I did that, How would I exploit my own kind's needs for energy fully?
Nature: "You can still exploit them because they will save money and spend it on other things"
Mankind: "no"
Nature: "Ok, what about sunlight? it is full of energy"
Mankind: "This black sticky fluid is full of energy and I can control the supplies of it to maximize my profit"
Nature: "But the energy in the black sticky fluid came from sunlight anyway, why don't you go directly to the source?"
Mankind: "No, shut up bitch".
Nature:"what about wave energy, you can control the supply of that, You could have a monopoly of the coastal free energy"
Mankind: "I give you free plastic to play with in the coast"
Nature: "It is my fault, I allowed you live and I reduced you numbers in the past so your brothers and sisters had to get jiggy to restore your population, now you are stupid inbred fools".
Mankind: "why did you shake my city apart?"
Nature: " I told you not to build there because there is a fault line, you don't listen"
Nature: "You never listen and you destroy yourselves".

Saturday, 7 September 2019

Dorian awakening

Recently the most powerful hurricane to reach the land since records began did serious damage in the Caribbean and American east coast. We had record high temperatures in Europe also. I put it down to global warming from the release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

I see Venus in the sky about twice a year, my island home is cloudy and built up. But it is a reminder of what gasses can do to heat, you see Venus is hotter than Mercury but Mercury is closer to the sun. The reason Venus is hotter than Mercury is because Mercury has no atmosphere and Venus has a dense carbon dioxide one. So the dense atmosphere of Venus traps more heat than Mercury even though it receives less heat from the sun.

Anyway, I have a crude observation of my own. Here in the UK on October the 27th, the Day and night are equal in length so the hour on the clock goes forward. If the morning frost comes before the daylight saving day then I think to myself that we are ok and that we have burnt through most of the fossil fuels so the Earth will be ok in the long run. In late autumn here in the UK, we are supposed to start getting frost at
about 3am. If at least one day I see some frost on the bushes and grass in the morning then I will think to myself that we will be ok. It is crude and silly observation but that is what I do.

Friday, 6 September 2019

The Belt

If I was in charge of the transport system of a metropolitan area I would have a three tiered system, one that is free of cost to use and one that is cheap and one that is slightly costly.

The free of cost system would be a system of conveyor belts. This is how it would work.

There would be three belts, the first belt is slow moving, at walking pace. The second belt moves twice as fast and is directly next to it. The third belt is moving a jogging pace but only slightly faster than the middle belt. Commuters would step from belt to belt until they are in the third belt. The third belt has seats on it. It is not as fast as a train but it never stops moving and it is free to use and it would move the distance of a city in one hour. The belts are not rubber, they are solid moving platforms. They are large corrugated panels that are joined together and propelled by rollers below.

The cheap tier of the transport system would be very thin trains that are just wide enough for people to sit in single file sitting at 90 degrees to the trains direction, facing the doors. They are faster than the belt system but are not free. You would need to pay to use it but a small train would take you quicky to the station you want and it would take you to different lines so you wouldn't do much walking.

The final tier of the transport system would be the same as the second tier but you would be able to commute to other parts of the country.

Thursday, 5 September 2019

The Chamon

Inside my head there is a thing called a Chamon. A Chamon is a games console. When Michel Jackson sang the word "come on", he funked the word up so it sounded like "cha mon, Yee hee". That is why I call the console Chamon, because you can give silly names to things but not people because that wouldn't be fair. So I called the thing Chamon which means come-on in funky english.

Anyway. This games console is the coolest toy because it is so versatile. It is a Bluetooth controller and it has a base unit that connects to the TV. It also has an app that lets you use the phone as a games screen mirror. And it has a tiny projector embedded inside it that projects on a clear plastic screen to create the effect of a hologram. The base unit has controller outputs for every console so the controller can be used on other consoles such as the Xbox. The projector has a tiny mirror inside it that sends the beam the other way when the device is placed flat on a table so it projects a screen on the table and lets you play interactive table top games like chess and solitaire.

It is bright yellow and it fits into a person's hand and all the buttons are bright red. This blog entry does not do it justice but it is likely to stay inside my head anyway.

Monday, 2 September 2019

Say it how it is


As you know, the five years precending the 2020s was bad for British Leadership. There was no cooperation between parties and no outstanding parties that had full control of parliament. Cooperation between parties was essential in the last 3 years.

To cut a long story short..

Mr Tight Fist asked the British people to choose if we stay in the EU. He gave us the impression that he had a plan in place for both outcomes. Plan b was simple, run from the helm. So Dancing Queen took over. She tried to play poker with our well being to get a good deal but Sing Poo the 1st showed everyone her cards, hmm that is crazy! She was forced to compromise and get a less appealing deal but Sing poo I & co blocked that deal, so Zippy linesman took over, he was more of a chess player and moved break period of parliament to September.

Now Sing poo claims that moving a break to September is a coup because they can't pass a law when they are on break.

Oh Sing Poo... You didn't want to cooperate in the years before, fine but at least say it how it is. I mean there was an attempted coup in Turkey back in July 2016 and military hardware was involved and illegal force. It was stopped. But you get the idea.

Moving a break period is not a snatch and grab on democracy. It is not a coup. It is a legal change of plans.

I agree with sing poos policy on the railways because they should be nationalised. Our railways are in a terrible state.  Not saying he would be a bad leader at all.


Sunday, 1 September 2019

What August 2019 means to me

It is September now, the month when Summer meets Autumn. The fuzzy line between summer and Autumn finishes on the 20th. The last week of September is certainly Autumn.

This is Jacob's first August. He is one third of a year old at 4 months. He was born in the middle of Spring, in the middle of the Day, in the middle of Buckinghamshire. 10 minutes before former president of Peru Alan Garcia shot himself.

What a difference one third of a year makes to a baby. He has gone from a helpless little newborn filled with confusion to a determined infant that is starting to imitate words and sit up on his own. He grows by more than 150 grams per week and is close to 7 kilos now. He has nearly doubled in weight since he was born.  I am sure he will be close to ten kilos by the time he is six months old at the end of Autumn.

Throughout the world in August there was a lot of civil unrest. Protests in Hong Kong and London for different reasons. The Amazon rainforest was on fire and released millions of tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Here in the UK there was a few heat waves and record temperatures, not sure it reached 40 degrees c, but it felt like it to me.

August was also the month when my mother in law returned to Peru. She helped us a lot and gave us some valuable parenting skills. We hope that my Peruvian family can visit again in the near future.

Blog Archive

What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...