Monday, 23 September 2019

Thomas cooked

I considered myself to be a doubting Thomas as I aged but there is no doubt now that Thomas Cook holiday company is gone.

I put some of the blame on the internet and some on poor investment decisions made by the company. The internet certainly played a big role in the destruction of the company.

Blockbuster video rental company went bankrupt because of internet video streaming. When you think about it, you can say that machines are already putting thousands of people out of work throughout the world. Machines create jobs but I think they destroy more jobs than they create. I see many politicians claiming the opposite but they are out of touch with the community. They are good at promoting themselves but fail help anyone.

There are still politicians in my country that don't even think there is a housing crisis. They have 10 houses and a magic bank account in a tax haven with 10 million in it so their privilege blinds them from seeing thousands of people living in their cars and families being buried in debt. I often wonder why they are getting elected? I think people should follow their local mp on Twitter and observe what they are saying. If there is a problem in your community then don't elect someone that doesn't even acknowledge the problem exists.

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What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...