Sunday, 8 September 2019

Man and Nature

One thing I noticed throughout my existence is that nature gives mankind free gifts and mankind doesn't take them gracefully. He just takes the ones he can exploit quickly for money.

I can imagine a conversation mankind would have with nature if they are just two people in a room.

Nature: "Hi Mankind".
Mankind: "Hi Nature".
Nature: "I would like you to have cold air"
Mankind: "What would I do with cold air?"
Nature: "you can pump it into your freezer to lower the running cost every winter".
Mankind: "If I did that, How would I exploit my own kind's needs for energy fully?
Nature: "You can still exploit them because they will save money and spend it on other things"
Mankind: "no"
Nature: "Ok, what about sunlight? it is full of energy"
Mankind: "This black sticky fluid is full of energy and I can control the supplies of it to maximize my profit"
Nature: "But the energy in the black sticky fluid came from sunlight anyway, why don't you go directly to the source?"
Mankind: "No, shut up bitch".
Nature:"what about wave energy, you can control the supply of that, You could have a monopoly of the coastal free energy"
Mankind: "I give you free plastic to play with in the coast"
Nature: "It is my fault, I allowed you live and I reduced you numbers in the past so your brothers and sisters had to get jiggy to restore your population, now you are stupid inbred fools".
Mankind: "why did you shake my city apart?"
Nature: " I told you not to build there because there is a fault line, you don't listen"
Nature: "You never listen and you destroy yourselves".

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One Third of January

One third of January passed by already, it seemed like yesterday that we were setting up the Christmas  tree at the start of December. The i...