Monday, 9 September 2019

Bob Ross

I'm not saying Jesus was like Bob Ross, but if he was I wouldn't be surprised. I recently noticed that Bob Ross is on Netflix now and I was a nineties kid so I am very familiar with his shows.

Bob Ross is very peaceful and very calm and gentle. I considered him to be the smoothest man in the world. An angry Puma could storm into his studio and he could calm it down just by talking to it and he makes painting postcard quality wildernesses look easy. Even wild animals could come to rest on the guys arm.

Anyway, I always imagined Jesus to be like Bob Ross in many ways. They would shout Lazarus is dead to Jesus and he would say "I'm just going to tell him to stop being dead, don't worry" then the guy got up. Jesus slept half way through a storm and told the storm to stop and it stopped, cool and smooth. Jesus hated violence and wars, that is why Judas betrayed him, because Judas wanted someone to fight the Roman occupiers and Jesus wasn't like that.

Jesus was the most blameless and kind and gentle man to ever live on Earth. He would have rejected all the wars on Earth, even the wars that were declared in his name. I see some of those qualities in Bob Ross.

I hope that Jesus is not angry with me for imagining that he would be a bit like Bob Ross in some ways. Or I should say Bob Ross was like Jesus in some ways. My mind is like that.

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