Monday, 2 September 2019

Say it how it is


As you know, the five years precending the 2020s was bad for British Leadership. There was no cooperation between parties and no outstanding parties that had full control of parliament. Cooperation between parties was essential in the last 3 years.

To cut a long story short..

Mr Tight Fist asked the British people to choose if we stay in the EU. He gave us the impression that he had a plan in place for both outcomes. Plan b was simple, run from the helm. So Dancing Queen took over. She tried to play poker with our well being to get a good deal but Sing Poo the 1st showed everyone her cards, hmm that is crazy! She was forced to compromise and get a less appealing deal but Sing poo I & co blocked that deal, so Zippy linesman took over, he was more of a chess player and moved break period of parliament to September.

Now Sing poo claims that moving a break to September is a coup because they can't pass a law when they are on break.

Oh Sing Poo... You didn't want to cooperate in the years before, fine but at least say it how it is. I mean there was an attempted coup in Turkey back in July 2016 and military hardware was involved and illegal force. It was stopped. But you get the idea.

Moving a break period is not a snatch and grab on democracy. It is not a coup. It is a legal change of plans.

I agree with sing poos policy on the railways because they should be nationalised. Our railways are in a terrible state.  Not saying he would be a bad leader at all.


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