Tuesday, 10 September 2019

Fake friends

I feel afraid of automation and flexible robots that may take our jobs but there is a gem in the chaos.

You see, I could have robot friends. They would have all the qualities I like in friends. They would be available on tap. They could be hooked up to an encyclopedia and tell you loads of interesting facts all day long and they would lack the desire to exploit you for their own benefit. Plus, you could have 3 robots and they could be a part of your crew.

I could go out to the golf course with them and then the bowling alley and then to my man cave and play pool and table tennis. The whole time the robots could be telling me stuff. They could say "hey Al, did you know that the Capital city of  Ireland is Dublin". I would say "yes, tell me more about Dublin". The Robot would then tell me loads of information about Dublin. Then I would say "Thank you Shipog". I could give them silly names.

Like Shipog or Pinsoot, or Slipoop. They wouldn't care what their name is. I could say "lay down 5 "Pinsoot". Then Pinsoot would know I am talking about a hanshake. The 4 of us could have a silly hand greeting accompanied by a sound effect or made up word like "hoopa" I would slap my chest and slap my hand on their hands sideways and do a loop with the hand then slap downwards and shake my hand in the air and shout "hoopa" as a greeting that only the 4 of us use. 1 human and 3 robots. 

If one of them stops working I could be melodramatic, "Talk to me Slipoop, SLIPOOP, Slipooooop. Hold on, I will call the technicians". Then I could hold my head in my hands and say "Hang in there Slipoop".

Ah, the future....

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What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...