Saturday, 7 September 2019

Dorian awakening

Recently the most powerful hurricane to reach the land since records began did serious damage in the Caribbean and American east coast. We had record high temperatures in Europe also. I put it down to global warming from the release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

I see Venus in the sky about twice a year, my island home is cloudy and built up. But it is a reminder of what gasses can do to heat, you see Venus is hotter than Mercury but Mercury is closer to the sun. The reason Venus is hotter than Mercury is because Mercury has no atmosphere and Venus has a dense carbon dioxide one. So the dense atmosphere of Venus traps more heat than Mercury even though it receives less heat from the sun.

Anyway, I have a crude observation of my own. Here in the UK on October the 27th, the Day and night are equal in length so the hour on the clock goes forward. If the morning frost comes before the daylight saving day then I think to myself that we are ok and that we have burnt through most of the fossil fuels so the Earth will be ok in the long run. In late autumn here in the UK, we are supposed to start getting frost at
about 3am. If at least one day I see some frost on the bushes and grass in the morning then I will think to myself that we will be ok. It is crude and silly observation but that is what I do.

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What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...