Tuesday, 17 September 2019

5 months old

Jacob my son is five months old today. He has changed a lot since he was born. He tries to put his feet in his mouth and dances in his baby chair when he hears music. He is the only baby I know of that dances before he can walk. He also makes flapping farty sounds with his mouth.
I sense he will be a very active boy as he ages.
He grows fast. Can't believe is already nearly six months old, were did all the time go?

I can say that at the time my son was five months old,  Mr Tight Fist published his memoirs, I am very curious about his book but don't want to download it now because I know it will talk about brexit and make me feel more afraid about the near future.

If my ancestors only knew what their island homeland was like in my time! I literally moved out of London, got married and had a family while they were arguing about how to implement brexit. And my son Jacob was born in the thick of it all at the dawn of the twenties decade.

Oh, and a gold toilet was stolen earlier this week. I think some rich people have more brass than sense. What is wrong with using a plastic toilet seat? Really!!

I couldn't make it up... They say the truth sets you free. The truth is more headache right now.

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What February 2025 Means To Me

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