If you convince people not to take the vaccine and they are killed by the disease that the vaccine protects you from, then you are responsible for that person's death in a way. You can kill people with your mouth unfortunately, I think that is why Niel Young was worried, he was taking a stand. People should think for themselves though, they should know the vaccine is harmless and a big benefit. If they want to be a vaccine skeptic then let them I say, just try to share the truth more than the conspiracy. If someone shines a conspiracy light, shine a truth light that is brighter. That is the Alan way.

I am Alan Booth, an ordinary British Man . I'm not one of the famous people that have the same name as me, just an ordinary guy. Welcome to my main blog, a true reliable record of history from the perspective of an ordinary man, a place filled with my thoughts; perhaps my thoughts will persist longer on here than in my brain itself. My twitter I.D. is @alspresso.
Monday, 31 January 2022
Joe Rogan experience dispute
I recently learned Neil Young the musician removed his content from Spotify. He didn't want to share a platform with Joe Rogan the podcaster because he put information on his show about vaccines that is believed to be untrue. To cut a long story short, he was trying to get Joe Rogan fired, that is what it looked like to me. I thought it was a bit harsh. It didn't work anyway, they kept Joe Rogan with them , he has far more streams I think. I personally have nothing against either men, if they came to my home, I would pour them both my best coffee or tea and give them both a foot stool to rest their feet and full access to my TV remote.
Saturday, 29 January 2022
Last Bit of January
It is the Last bit of January, I have been feeling sick for a while but what can you do? I checked the NASA.gov website to see the progress of the James Webb telescope; it is now calibrating it's large mirrors and optical lenses, this new procedure will take about 3 months. It won't start taking sharp pictures of deep space until the end of Spring; fair enough.
I got the impression from the NASA blogs that NASA wants to look at distant galaxies and dusty nebulas first. I am surprised by this because I thought they might want to look at the Alpha Centauri Stars first. The Alpha Centauri stars are 3 Stars orbiting eachother that are closest to us, just over 4 light years away. I am interested in Alpha Centauri B because it is a K type (orange Dwarf) star, Smaller than our G type Sun (yellow Dwarf) but stable and slow burning, it will outlast our sun by billions of years. Proxima Centauri is the smallest of the three and the closest to us, it is a Red Dwarf Star but Red Dwarf stars are very unstable, their radiation changes erratically; red dwarf stars last the longest though. The stars orbit a common center of gravity within a short distance; their orbits would fit inside our solar system I think. All three of the stars are known to have planets orbiting them, the Centauri star system is a very crowded part of space.
Wednesday, 26 January 2022
Polarity Standoff
The border with Ukraine and Russia is filled with a lot of millitary hardware and many thousands of fully trained soldiers. I would call this a polirity standoff, Ukraine is aligning itself with the west and trying to join NATO and the EU. Russia doesn't want NATO millitary hardware close to them, they always made that clear I think. They would compare it to Mexico aligning with the East and assembling Russian missle launchers a few kilometres from Texas. I think Crimea rebels were fighting in 2014 because of the change in polarity. Many of them spoke Russian.
When the James Webb telescope was turning on after reaching L2 orbit fully unfolded, there was a plarity standoff on the Earth. Will it remain a standoff or turn into a polarity war? I hope not. Everyone is watching closely, it is like a wild west confrontation in a frontier town with two angry cowboys and the Telescope is like a tumble weed blowing in the desert giving a brief moment of distraction in a moment of insanity. A similar thing is happening in the south China sea, the Chinese want Taiwan back with them I think. The whole planet is facing a polarity standoff.
Tuesday, 25 January 2022
Ukraine and Russia Conflict
At the moment there are thousands of Soldiers lining the Ukraine Border with Russia on Both sides and there are many missile launchers and Tanks. There is a lot of tension on both sides. I think this issue is down to trust. The Russians don't want lots of western millitary hardware close to their territory and the Ukrainians think the Russians are going to invade.
I don't think Russia wants to invade Ukraine, I just think they want to dismantle the millitary hardware that is close to their border. They took the Crimea peninsula from Ukraine but that is different because the majority of the people living in Crimea spoke Russian and wanted to be part of Russia. Most people that live in the Ukraine main land would never except Russian rule and there would be constant resistance from them. I think the Russians know that.
Right now it could spill out into a full scale war, both nations are at loggerheads.
Friday, 21 January 2022
Meat Loaf Dies
I learned yesterday that the musician that calls himself Meat Loaf Passed away during the night. His name was Marvin Lee Aday but everyone knew him as Meat Loaf.
I was a kid in the 90s so I am very familiar with his music. He made a lot of his music before the 90s, in the 70s and 80s but I think it was popular in the 90s and it would appear in movies quite often. I still have his album 'Bat out of Hell' somewhere.
Thursday, 20 January 2022
Government Mutiny
When I watched PMQs (Prime Minister's Question time) on TV and read leadership tweets throughout twitter, it is very obvious that the 'Conservative' Party are having a mutiny. Many MPs are trying to get Boris Johnson to resign. I don't think there is much the conservative party can do, it was the whole group that was throwing a party during Christmas lockdown and breaking their own law. They can only hope the Brits forget about it by the time there is a general election in about three years, if they have a snap election now, they would probably lose or have a hung parliament.
I'm just a servant, I try not to have an opinion but I understand people's anger because some people had to leave their relatives on their own to die in the Hospital; many people were isolated from their relatives throughout the Pandemic, they celebrated their birthdays and Christmas alone. The same is true of my Son's birthday, when he was one years old we stayed in our home away from the other relatives and even when he was 2 it was a low profile event with just a few relatives.
Tuesday, 18 January 2022
Tonga Blast
In the Middle of January 2022 on the 15th, the Tonga underwater trench exploded because it was harbouring a giant underwater volcano. The volcano Erupted with so much force that it caused a Pacific Tsunami that hit the Tonga Islands, a small island nation was in peril. We still don't know how much damage the Tsunami has caused because they were cut off, I think power lines were brought down so they can't broadcast any information.
The people of Britain were distracted from the natural disaster because they were angry about the exposure of government sleaze. The government broke their own rules and had a large gathering and Christmas party during the 2020 Christmas lockdown. It was only a year before that we had the 2019 Christmas snap election to break the Brexit Deadlock, so this new stronger conservative government had won the trust of millions. I think The government were exposed at the start of 2022, there were leaked documents and reports of a Christmas Party. The Brits were banned from Christmas parties in 2020 but the government broke their own rules. We don't know if Boris was involved fully; he claimed he didn't know he was at a party.
Then a Tennis player called Novak Djokovik was blocked from entering Australia because they thought he was careless about Pandemic safety. More people knew about the blocked tennis player than the Tonga Tsunami, something is definitely wrong here. It was like the disaster was blotted out from people's awareness.
Sunday, 16 January 2022
Something's Wrong With Us
I just realized that the news of a Tennis player being blocked from entering Australia trumped the news of a whole nation in peril. A Tsunami crashed over the island nation of Tonga a few days ago but the Tennis player's visa rejection was more popular on the news. I reacted to it myself because I always viewed the Australians as people that didn't compromise their rules for VIPs, they had a stern authority and they didn't want anyone to break their rules, if they sent the Queen back to England for bringing a banned item with her, I wouldn't be surprised. That is my perception of the Australians.
The news is run like a business, they prioritize stories that make people react. Click bait is the word. An analogy would be if the James Webb telescope looked at planet going around another star and saw that it's atmosphere contained oxygen, oxygen is synthesized by life so they would conclude that they have found life on another planet; the same week a royal family has a divorce. Which story would dominate the news? Exoplanet life or Royal divorce?
The news exposes a flaw in us all. We give attention to things that are less important because we are superficial beings.
Saturday, 15 January 2022
My Trees from Space
About five years ago I had an allotment in the Suburbs of London, I would grow tomatoes and potatoes and make roast vegatable dinners. I gave up the plot of land because I was too busy and I moved out of London. I also planted dwarf trees for fruits. I left behind the dwarf trees because they were rooted in the ground, I left behind, a plum tree, two olive trees, a pear tree, a cherry tree, red current bush/tree and a fig tree.
From time to time I look at my allotment from space to see if the trees are still there. I go into Google maps and pan over the allotment site then I set the terrain to satellite mode. On this shot I can't tell because the big tree has cast a shadow over my allotment and the image is fuzzy. My allotment was the last one to the right of the picture.
Perhaps if they turn the allotment site into houses, the trees will still be there, they all had roots added that keep them small and cause them to self pollinate; they make their own fruits without other trees of the same species nearby.
Friday, 14 January 2022
Novak Djokovic Blocked
I recently learned that the Tennis player Novak Djokovic ("Jockovick") was blocked from entering Australia because they thought he was being cavalier about Pandemic safety. He didn't get vaccinated and he went to a Spain briefly I think and didn't declare it.
I think the Australians are very stern with their immigration and visas, even before the Pandemic.
I was in two minds about Australia cancelling his visa. I thought they were a bit harsh but I was also impressed because they didn't compromise for VIPs. It's not fair if VIP celebrities get different treatment to ordinary people; Australians don't do that, in Australia you follow the rules or you face the consequences whoever you are. I may be wrong though. That is my perception of them.
Thursday, 13 January 2022
Accidental Party
On the PMQs on Wednesday, the Prime Minister was confronted by the cabinet about a Christmas party they had during lockdown. Borris Claimed that he didn't know he was at a party, he said he thought he had attended a spaced out conference for the sake of leadership.
I polled a few communities of mine on social media and got the impression that people are very angry about what had happened. Many people were treated like a nuisance for even trying to bend the lockdown rules and others were penalised, many people felt lonely and isolated during the Pandemic and others died alone. I believe right now, Boris Johnson is at his lowest popularity rating so far, if we had another snap election now, conservatives would certainly lose. We have seen leaked CCTV footage and MPs have been proven to break the rules before.
It looks like it will be an interesting month, James Webb will turn on and snap pictures of distant stars, Stranger things 4 is comming to Netflix and we will learn more about what had happened at number 10.
Tuesday, 11 January 2022
Pig's Heart
I recently learned that an American man called David Bennett is the first man to receive a pig's heart as a transplant. The pigs DNA was altered so the cells don't get attacked by the human immune system, the pig's cells behave like human cells but the heart is still a pig's.
The way I see it is his options had run out, his heart had failed and he was going to die, they couldn't find a replacement heart, he had two options left: Take the pig's heart or die. I don't have a view myself, doctors are just doing their job and trying to stop people from dying. So far he seems to be recovering and as far as I know the surgery has been a success.
Eventually we will all die, if our thoughts die with us then there is no meaning to life and life is pointless. I always look for proof that human consciousness persists after death, to me that is the most important thing to know. If your thoughts and consciousness perish with your body then everything you do is for nothing. It is like painting a house that is on fire, the fire will consume the paint and make the painting pointless.
Monday, 10 January 2022
Dream Catcher
I don't usually remember my sleeping dreams. I remembered it this time. It was a very common dream I have. I am taken back to the past, to an obstacle I found very difficult and my memory of the event finishing is removed so I have to go through it again. I was sitting an exam that I found difficult that I didn't finish on time and I am not sure I have written all the coursework so my head is racing away, then my memory is given back to me, I finished the exam years ago and handed in the coursework, the course I was doing was finished.
I don't know why my brain does that. Why does it take away my memory of a problem being solved so I have to try and solve it again. When my memory is given back to me, I feel a very strong feeling of peace or relief. I'm trying to solve a problem and the problem no longer exists. Instant tension them instant relief. What is going on in there?
My memory contains peace. Thoughts that I have collected over the years that brings peace to me can be taken away in an instant when I am asleep and the peace they give me are no longer there. Tension then relief, more tension then more relief. There is so much I don't understand in this world.
Saturday, 8 January 2022
Burnt Watermelon
Earlier today I checked the update of the James Webb telescope. It is two thirds of the way to Lagrange 2 orbit, unfolded and traveling at 400 meters a second. It will arrive at L2 during the last third of this month. They were unfolding the thing while it was still traveling because they want to 'hit the ground running'. That thing is extremely expensive and it's mission will only last about 10 years or slightly more than that. In the nasa blogs it states they have a very long bucket list; they want to look at a lot of stuff. I'm guessing they will try to look directly at the planets that are orbiting the nearest stars and distant galaxies. An ordinary man like myself will learn some new things soon if it is working; if it doesn't work then they can't fix it because the astronauts will die before they get there, they would likely be hit by solar flare particles.
I tried something new today, I tried to shallow fry slices of watermelon. The watermelon quickly formed a skin and burnt on the outside. The smoke from the burnt Watermelon filled the kitchen and sitting room. I got the hang of it in the end, you have to turn the heat very low. Fried watermelon has no taste at all but you can put salt and spices on it to make it taste like fake beef steaks. Now I am wondering what would happen if I put the watermelon slices in a toaster. My jokes are very dry but I filled my home with a funny smell of burnt Watermelon.
Friday, 7 January 2022
A British Winter
It's looking like we are in a normal British winter, a damp Christmas and New Year. Now, the frost is reaching the ground over night. Perhaps in the coast it isn't quite reaching the ground yet but at my elevation of about 80 meters above sea level it is. The frost drops down from high up and meets the higher areas first I think. If there was a canopy above the roads then they wouldn't need to put salt down because the roads wouldn't get any frost.
When the weather is cold, I eat spicy food and food that contains a lot of salt. The government persuaded the processed food companies to remove some of the salt and I put the salt back in. I will get a pizza and add salt to the pizza. I will prepare some baked beans and add salt to the beans. Every winter is like that, I am doing the okay cokey with salt, they take the salt out I put the salt in and I shake it all about. I love to eat Jalapenos with pizza. Then, in summer I prefer fatty foods like avocados and jacket potatoes covered in mayonnaise. It must be an Alan thing, my taste changes with the weather.
Now I am wondering when it will snow. I'm just doing the things I do every day.
Thursday, 6 January 2022
Statue Toppling
The Pandemic speeded up events that were set to happen in the future in my view. People were looking at statues of evil bastards every day and thought to themselves that it should be toppled, they were thinking it for years. When the Covid19 Pandemic arrived, they just went out and toppled them.
In this world we call what is bad good and good bad, we call Alexander the Great yet he murdered his best friend for not calling him a God and killed many people for his ambitions, he was surely a psychopath, not a great man. The same is true of other leaders in the past.
When the community went out and toppled statues of evil bastards like Christopher Columbus and Edward Carlston I thought to myself, I don't care about his stupid statue, he was an evil bastard that hurt many people to make himself rich. I was annoyed about social distancing and a part of me wanted everyone to be orderly but I don't care about statues that much.
The only thing is people may start attacking other statues of flawed heros like Nelson Mandela and Winston Churchill, they both said a number of racist things in their lifetime but they stood up against a much bigger evil, they did something that was very difficult and they went to a very low place for the sake of a greater good. We call them flawed heros. The only hero in this world that isn't flawed is Jesus. Every person that lived in this world has made mistakes in their life. We are human and sometimes we are ignorant. No one in this world is perfect.
Wednesday, 5 January 2022
Pay tribute to Boston
A company that supplies my job with an automatic payroll processing has been hacked and taken down for about a month so far. I won't name the company or my job because it may be considered misconduct according to the rules, plus I respect both companies anyway.
My company are using a backup payroll system to pay their staff for now.
I just thought it was interesting that the payroll processing company is based in Massachusetts. I have relatives that live near Boston so I am familiar with the American state of Massachusetts. It's not far from New York, you can drive From Boston to New York in a matter of Hours I think. I remember taking a train to Boston from Westborough and exploring the city. I saw the place where the American War of Independence started and I went on the Metro Rail. Their trian lines are named after colours; I'm British, we spell it like that. They have the 'Red' line, 'Blue' Line and They have a 'Green' line, I think the Green line is like a Hybrid tram and subway line, I thought that was very clever. I think the Blue line goes to the coast. It is interesting that Boston is on the Coast because the city near me, London isn't on the coast. I like the idea that you can go to the coast without leaving the city. In London there is a C2C train from 'West Ham' train station that goes to Southend, a coastal town but it takes an hour to get there and a return ticket costs about £11.
Monday, 3 January 2022
Lagrange Two
I learn something new every day, last week I learned that the James Webb Telescope is heading for a place called Lagrange two. It is a place beyond the Earth were you can orbit the Sun and stay level with the Earth, a place where Earth's gravity and the force of drifting away are balanced. They intend to use the telescope to look into the past, they want to see stars that formed and exploded before the Earth and Sun existed. They also want to look at planets outside the Solar system directly. If the Telescope works, we will see objects we have never seen before.
I remember the Hubble telescope had a lot of problems because the forces of space flight messed up the delicate instruments inside, luckily it was close to the Earth so they could send astronauts to fix it. If James Webb doesn't work, it will be too far away to fix. Sending astronauts to deep space is very expensive and very dangerous. A solar flare from the sun is deflected by the Earth's magnetic field as often as it rains in Britain; the radiation would very quickly kill the crew.
Not too long ago I also learned that Charles Darwin wasn't an Atheist, he believed Natural Selection and Speciation was a deliberate process from God. That makes sense. We see a picture of human like beasts queueing up to disappear but then there is a queue of I Phones lined up, I-Phone, I-Phone 2, I- phone 3, I-phone 4. Each one is the product of thought. In our world, technology evolves and each stage is produced by thoughts of people. Everywhere in our world where things are developed, thoughts are always the source. We are thoughts. We are God's thoughts.
Sunday, 2 January 2022
December and 2021
The Year 2021 was about inflation, disruption and exploration. It ended with the deployment of the James Webb telescope and my Christmas Drink, a small glass of Whiskey.
I sat on my couch, drank my whiskey and Reflected on the effects of the Covid19 Pandemic. The disease seemed to speed up events that were set to occur in the future. There was a military coup in Myanmar, the Pandemic almost seemed to trigger the tyranny that occurred.
It was during the tyranny of Myanmar that my family grew bigger. My nethew Nathan was born. My country rushed to speed up the vaccine program and they were distributing the vaccine at full speed during March.
It was also during march that the Suez canal was blocked by a ship that was blown sideways, it took them six days to dislodge the massive cargo ship. The flow of goods from east to west and west to east was disrupted.
In April it was my son's birthday and we came out of a very long lockdown.
I saw some very long queues at the shops and the Queen's husband died. The whole of spring was also dominated by a new probe on Mars, Ingenuity it was called.
In May there was an exchange of missile fire between Israel and Palestine, I thought it was a full war but it remained a rumour, the Egyptians stepped forward and talked the two nations to peace. A general election in the UK revealed resentment in two of the UK nations.
In June I learned of the Delta Variant of Covid19, it was more dangerous than the other variants. I became obsessed about hell because I read a book about a man that claimed he was taken to hell.
In July it was my birthday and I had my birthday drink, a small glass of Whiskey. England lost the European championship and some billionaires went to the edge of space.
In August inflation was getting very high and Afghanistan was handed over by America and they had an instant coup by the Taliban.
In October MP David Amess was assassinated and they decided to make Southend a city. Then La Palma Erupted. I think the African continent is pulling itself in half. This caused the two gigantic erutions, one in Congo and one in La Palma the Canary Island. If Africa pulls itself in half then it will have two horns and there will be two African continents.
Then there was more inflation, I think every bank on Earth was printing money like it was the end of the world.
In November we learned of the Omicron variant and Barbados removed the queen as the head of state but they remained in the common wealth. Then they sent the James Webb telescope into space so they could look into the past and see stars that existed billions of years ago before the Earth and Sun existed.
It is January now, what will happen? I don't know. I hope for peace and joy.
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Blog Archive
- Joe Rogan experience dispute
- Last Bit of January
- Polarity Standoff
- Ukraine and Russia Conflict
- Meat Loaf Dies
- Government Mutiny
- Tonga Blast
- Something's Wrong With Us
- My Trees from Space
- Novak Djokovic Blocked
- Accidental Party
- Pig's Heart
- Dream Catcher
- Burnt Watermelon
- A British Winter
- Statue Toppling
- Pay tribute to Boston
- Lagrange Two
- December and 2021
What February 2025 Means To Me
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I think that the Covid 19 virus is more serious than people think. The virus is here to stay and it belongs to a family of viruses that incl...
A few days ago I learned that the leader of Hezbollah, Hassan Nasralla was killed in an Israeli air strike on Lebanon. It was while this ev...