Wednesday, 26 January 2022

Polarity Standoff

The border with Ukraine and Russia is filled with a lot of millitary hardware and many thousands of fully trained soldiers. I would call this a polirity standoff, Ukraine is aligning itself with the west and trying to join NATO and the EU. Russia doesn't want NATO millitary hardware close to them, they always made that clear I think. They would compare it to Mexico aligning with the East and assembling Russian missle launchers a few kilometres from Texas. I think Crimea rebels were fighting in 2014 because of the change in polarity. Many of them spoke Russian. 

When the James Webb telescope was turning on after reaching L2 orbit fully unfolded, there was a plarity standoff on the Earth. Will it remain a standoff or turn into a polarity war? I hope not. Everyone is watching closely, it is like a wild west confrontation in a frontier town with two angry cowboys and the Telescope is like a tumble weed blowing in the desert giving a brief moment of distraction in a moment of insanity. A similar thing is happening in the south China sea, the Chinese want Taiwan back with them I think. The whole planet is facing a polarity standoff. 

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What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...