Monday, 3 January 2022

Lagrange Two

I learn something new every day, last week I learned that the James Webb Telescope is heading for a place called Lagrange two. It is a place beyond the Earth were you can orbit the Sun and stay level with the Earth, a place where Earth's gravity and the force of drifting away are balanced. They intend to use the telescope to look into the past, they want to see stars that formed and exploded before the Earth and Sun existed. They also want to look at planets outside the Solar system directly. If the Telescope works, we will see objects we have never seen before. 

I remember the Hubble telescope had a lot of problems because the forces of space flight messed up the delicate instruments inside, luckily it was close to the Earth so they could send astronauts to fix it. If James Webb doesn't work, it will be too far away to fix. Sending astronauts to deep space is very expensive and very dangerous. A solar flare from the sun is deflected by the Earth's magnetic field as often as it rains in Britain; the radiation would very quickly kill the crew. 


Not too long ago I also learned that Charles Darwin wasn't an Atheist, he believed Natural Selection and Speciation was a deliberate process from God. That makes sense. We see a picture of human like beasts queueing up to disappear but then there is a queue of I Phones lined up, I-Phone, I-Phone 2, I- phone 3, I-phone 4. Each one is the product of thought. In our world, technology evolves and each stage is produced by thoughts of people. Everywhere in our world where things are developed, thoughts are always the source. We are thoughts. We are God's thoughts. 

Blog Archive

Spring Time

It is Spring time now, you can tell, activists have started climbing up stuff and gluing themselves to things, "Yawn". It would be...